[PDF][PDF] Exploring the Distinction between Pilgrims and Tourists at Religious Heritage Sites

E Kandil - Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels …, 2024‏ - mfth.journals.ekb.eg
Traveling to religious heritage sites is a complex phenomenon attracting religious and non-
religious visitors. This study aims to provide an analytical framework that bridges …

The symbolism of sacred space.

DH Olsen - Tourism, pilgrimage and intercultural dialogue …, 2019‏ - cabidigitallibrary.org
This chapter discusses the development and maintenance of sacred spaces and places as
defined by institutionalized religion, and how these spaces and places are contested yet …

A preliminary study of pilgrimage tourism in Barahachhetra, Nepal

RR Kunwar, N Thapaliya - The Gaze: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2021‏ - nepjol.info
Pilgrimage is an age-old phenomenon for people of all religions. Pilgrimage is often been
defined as a journey resulting from religious causes, externally to a holy site, and internally …

Bukit Kasih Kanonang as a religious tourism site based on local wisdom of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

J Tjahjani, SI Sondakh - International Journal of Religious …, 2023‏ - arrow.tudublin.ie
Abstract Bukit Kasih Kanonang (Kanonang Love Hill) is a place of worship for Christians of
the Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, one of the provinces of Indonesia, which in its …

The unique twin approaches of Sufi Sheikhs and host-guest relationships at El Sayed Ahmed El-Badawy Mosque in Egypt

A Abdel Fattah, M Eddy-U - Quality & Quantity, 2022‏ - Springer
Research on the effects of religious hosts' interpretations, faith expressions, and interactions
with tourists of different religious beliefs at Islamic religious sites has been surprisingly …

Young Turkish Tourists' Religious Tourism Motivations, Perceptions and Intentions About a Religious Destination: The Case Of Konya, Turkey

Y Bilim, S Ay - International Journal of Religious Tourism and …, 2022‏ - arrow.tudublin.ie
Young tourists represent over 20% of the tourism market and are an important element in
current tourism activities. Cultural tourism, encompassing religious tourism, has increased in …

What do Sufi Muslim leaders think about visitors at their sacred sites? A research need

AA Fattah, M Eddy-U - Tourism Review International, 2020‏ - ingentaconnect.com
What Do Sufi Muslim Leaders Think About Visitors at Their Sacred Sites? A Research Need
Page 1 Delivered by Ingenta IP: On: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 09:09:13 Article(s) and/or …

The Changing Face of a Religious City: tourism and the perceptional modernisation of a host community

Y Bilim, O Ozer - International Journal of Religious Tourism and …, 2016‏ - arrow.tudublin.ie
Tourism and its impacts on cultural or religious assets can be contentious issues for some
communities, for other communities, however, tourism has been an important part of …

[ספר][B] Il turismo dei cammini per la valorizzazione delle destinazioni italiane: modelli, strumenti manageriali e casi di studio

S Splendiani, F Forlani - 2023‏ - books.google.com
Il turismo dei cammini-a metà strada tra pellegrinaggio, turismo religioso-spirituale e
turismo" slow"-sta riscuotendo un crescente interesse in tutto il mondo. Il volume fornisce …

[ספר][B] The Cultivation of Therapeutic Landscapes: A Medical Anthropological Approach to Understanding the Health and Wellbeing Qualities of the Garden of 1,000 …

AT Ranck - 2023‏ - search.proquest.com
Medical anthropology researchers have just begun exploring therapeutic landscapes as the
benefits of location are just now being understood in the field as potentially promoting a …