ROS and diseases: Role in metabolism and energy supply
S Yang, G Lian - Molecular and cellular biochemistry, 2020 - Springer
Researches dedicated to reactive oxygen species (ROS) had been performed for decades,
yet the outcomes remain controversial. With the relentless effort of studies, researchers have …
yet the outcomes remain controversial. With the relentless effort of studies, researchers have …
Toxicity of mercury: Molecular evidence
L Yang, Y Zhang, F Wang, Z Luo, S Guo, U Strähle - Chemosphere, 2020 - Elsevier
Minamata disease in Japan and the large-scale poisoning by methylmercury (MeHg) in Iraq
caused wide public concerns about the risk emanating from mercury for human health …
caused wide public concerns about the risk emanating from mercury for human health …
Metals, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration: a focus on iron, manganese and mercury
Essential metals are crucial for the maintenance of cell homeostasis. Among the 23
elements that have known physiological functions in humans, 12 are metals, including iron …
elements that have known physiological functions in humans, 12 are metals, including iron …
The effects of heavy metal exposure on brain and gut microbiota: A systematic review of animal studies
S Porru, A Esplugues, S Llop… - Environmental Pollution, 2024 - Elsevier
The gut-brain axis is a crucial interface between the central nervous system and the gut
microbiota. Recent evidence shows that exposure to environmental contaminants, such as …
microbiota. Recent evidence shows that exposure to environmental contaminants, such as …
Mechanisms of methylmercury-induced neurotoxicity: evidence from experimental studies
Neurological disorders are common, costly, and can cause enduring disability. Although
mostly unknown, a few environmental toxicants are recognized causes of neurological …
mostly unknown, a few environmental toxicants are recognized causes of neurological …
Environmental toxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis: menage a trois
R Franco, R Sánchez-Olea, EM Reyes-Reyes… - … /Genetic Toxicology and …, 2009 - Elsevier
Apoptosis is an evolutionary conserved homeostatic process involved in distinct
physiological processes including organ and tissue morphogenesis, development and …
physiological processes including organ and tissue morphogenesis, development and …
Towards a unifying, systems biology understanding of large-scale cellular death and destruction caused by poorly liganded iron: Parkinson's, Huntington's …
DB Kell - Archives of toxicology, 2010 - Springer
Exposure to a variety of toxins and/or infectious agents leads to disease, degeneration and
death, often characterised by circumstances in which cells or tissues do not merely die and …
death, often characterised by circumstances in which cells or tissues do not merely die and …
Methylmercury and brain development: A review of recent literature
AA Dos Santos, MA Hort, M Culbreth… - Journal of trace …, 2016 - Elsevier
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a potent environmental pollutant, which elicits significant toxicity in
humans. The central nervous system (CNS) is the primary target of toxicity, and is …
humans. The central nervous system (CNS) is the primary target of toxicity, and is …
Oxidative stress in MeHg-induced neurotoxicity
Methylmercury (MeHg) is an environmental toxicant that leads to long-lasting neurological
and developmental deficits in animals and humans. Although the molecular mechanisms …
and developmental deficits in animals and humans. Although the molecular mechanisms …
Glutathione antioxidant system and methylmercury-induced neurotoxicity: An intriguing interplay
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a toxic chemical compound naturally produced mainly in the
aquatic environment through the methylation of inorganic mercury catalyzed by aquatic …
aquatic environment through the methylation of inorganic mercury catalyzed by aquatic …