Quantum error mitigation
For quantum computers to successfully solve real-world problems, it is necessary to tackle
the challenge of noise: the errors that occur in elementary physical components due to …
the challenge of noise: the errors that occur in elementary physical components due to …
Practical quantum advantage in quantum simulation
The development of quantum computing across several technologies and platforms has
reached the point of having an advantage over classical computers for an artificial problem …
reached the point of having an advantage over classical computers for an artificial problem …
Random quantum circuits
Quantum circuits—built from local unitary gates and local measurements—are a new
playground for quantum many-body physics and a tractable setting to explore universal …
playground for quantum many-body physics and a tractable setting to explore universal …
Colloquium: Quantum batteries
Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in quantum devices for the production,
storage, and transfer of energy. This Colloquium concentrates on the field of quantum …
storage, and transfer of energy. This Colloquium concentrates on the field of quantum …
The randomized measurement toolbox
Programmable quantum simulators and quantum computers are opening unprecedented
opportunities for exploring and exploiting the properties of highly entangled complex …
opportunities for exploring and exploiting the properties of highly entangled complex …
Quantum simulation for high-energy physics
It is for the first time that quantum simulation for high-energy physics (HEP) is studied in the
US decadal particle-physics community planning, and in fact until recently, this was not …
US decadal particle-physics community planning, and in fact until recently, this was not …
Quantum simulation of fundamental particles and forces
Key static and dynamic properties of matter—from creation in the Big Bang to evolution into
subatomic and astrophysical environments—arise from the underlying fundamental …
subatomic and astrophysical environments—arise from the underlying fundamental …
Essay: Quantum sensing with atomic, molecular, and optical platforms for fundamental physics
Atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics has been at the forefront of the development of
quantum science while laying the foundation for modern technology. With the growing …
quantum science while laying the foundation for modern technology. With the growing …
Dipolar quantum solids emerging in a Hubbard quantum simulator
In quantum mechanical many-body systems, long-range and anisotropic interactions
promote rich spatial structure and can lead to quantum frustration, giving rise to a wealth of …
promote rich spatial structure and can lead to quantum frustration, giving rise to a wealth of …
Topological order from measurements and feed-forward on a trapped ion quantum computer
Quantum systems evolve in time in one of two ways: through the Schrödinger equation or
wavefunction collapse. So far, deterministic control of quantum many-body systems in the …
wavefunction collapse. So far, deterministic control of quantum many-body systems in the …