Cognition and personality: an analysis of an emerging field
It is now well established that individuals can differ consistently in their average levels of
behaviour across different contexts. There have recently been calls to apply the same …
behaviour across different contexts. There have recently been calls to apply the same …
Linking personality and cognition: a meta-analysis
In the past decade, several conceptual papers have linked variation in animal personality to
variation in cognition, and recent years have seen a flood of empirical studies testing this …
variation in cognition, and recent years have seen a flood of empirical studies testing this …
Should we consider individual behavior differences in applied wildlife conservation studies?
Individually distinctive behavioral traits, or personalities, contribute to population-level
processes and ecological interactions important in applied wildlife conservation research …
processes and ecological interactions important in applied wildlife conservation research …
Individual differences in behavioural plasticities
Interest in individual differences in animal behavioural plasticities has surged in recent
years, but research in this area has been hampered by semantic confusion as different …
years, but research in this area has been hampered by semantic confusion as different …
Studying the evolutionary ecology of cognition in the wild: a review of practical and conceptual challenges
Cognition is defined as the processes by which animals collect, retain and use information
from their environment to guide their behaviour. Thus cognition is essential in a wide range …
from their environment to guide their behaviour. Thus cognition is essential in a wide range …
Adaptive strategies for managing uncertainty may explain personality‐related differences in behavioural plasticity
There is growing evidence that individuals within populations show consistent differences in
their behaviour across contexts (personality), and that personality is associated with the …
their behaviour across contexts (personality), and that personality is associated with the …
The fast and the flexible: cognitive style drives individual variation in cognition in a small mammal
Patterns of individual differences in cognition have been studied empirically and
systematically in the last decade, but causes and consequences of this variation are still …
systematically in the last decade, but causes and consequences of this variation are still …
Individual variation in spontaneous problem-solving performance among wild great tits
Behavioural traits generally and cognitive traits in particular are relatively understudied in an
evolutionary ecological context. One reason for this is that such traits are often difficult to …
evolutionary ecological context. One reason for this is that such traits are often difficult to …
Sex and boldness explain individual differences in spatial learning in a lizard
Understanding individual differences in cognitive performance is a major challenge to
animal behaviour and cognition studies. We used the Eastern water skink (Eulamprus …
animal behaviour and cognition studies. We used the Eastern water skink (Eulamprus …
Personality affects learning and trade-offs between private and social information in guppies, Poecilia reticulata
Highlights•We test the effects of personality on the use of social information by fish.•Bolder
guppies use social information to infer potential patch depletion.•Highly social guppies …
guppies use social information to infer potential patch depletion.•Highly social guppies …