Temporal sentence grounding in videos: A survey and future directions
Temporal sentence grounding in videos (TSGV), aka, natural language video localization
(NLVL) or video moment retrieval (VMR), aims to retrieve a temporal moment that …
(NLVL) or video moment retrieval (VMR), aims to retrieve a temporal moment that …
A survey on video moment localization
Video moment localization, also known as video moment retrieval, aims to search a target
segment within a video described by a given natural language query. Beyond the task of …
segment within a video described by a given natural language query. Beyond the task of …
Momentdiff: Generative video moment retrieval from random to real
Video moment retrieval pursues an efficient and generalized solution to identify the specific
temporal segments within an untrimmed video that correspond to a given language …
temporal segments within an untrimmed video that correspond to a given language …
Knowing where to focus: Event-aware transformer for video grounding
Recent DETR-based video grounding models have made the model directly predict moment
timestamps without any hand-crafted components, such as a pre-defined proposal or non …
timestamps without any hand-crafted components, such as a pre-defined proposal or non …
You can ground earlier than see: An effective and efficient pipeline for temporal sentence grounding in compressed videos
Given an untrimmed video, temporal sentence grounding (TSG) aims to locate a target
moment semantically according to a sentence query. Although previous respectable works …
moment semantically according to a sentence query. Although previous respectable works …
Are binary annotations sufficient? video moment retrieval via hierarchical uncertainty-based active learning
Recent research on video moment retrieval has mostly focused on enhancing the
performance of accuracy, efficiency, and robustness, all of which largely rely on the …
performance of accuracy, efficiency, and robustness, all of which largely rely on the …
Correlation-Guided Query-Dependency Calibration for Video Temporal Grounding
Temporal Grounding is to identify specific moments or highlights from a video corresponding
to textual descriptions. Typical approaches in temporal grounding treat all video clips …
to textual descriptions. Typical approaches in temporal grounding treat all video clips …
Fewer steps, better performance: Efficient cross-modal clip trimming for video moment retrieval using language
Given an untrimmed video and a sentence query, video moment retrieval using language
(VMR) aims to locate a target query-relevant moment. Since the untrimmed video is …
(VMR) aims to locate a target query-relevant moment. Since the untrimmed video is …
Hawkeye: Training video-text llms for grounding text in videos
Video-text Large Language Models (video-text LLMs) have shown remarkable performance
in answering questions and holding conversations on simple videos. However, they perform …
in answering questions and holding conversations on simple videos. However, they perform …
Reducing the vision and language bias for temporal sentence grounding
Temporal sentence grounding (TSG) is an important yet challenging task in multimedia
information retrieval. Although previous TSG methods have achieved decent performance …
information retrieval. Although previous TSG methods have achieved decent performance …