Near infrared spectroscopy for on/in-line monitoring of quality in foods and beverages: A review
H Huang, H Yu, H Xu, Y Ying - Journal of food engineering, 2008 - Elsevier
Over the past 30 years, on/in-line near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has proved to be one of
the most efficient and advanced tools for continuous monitoring and controlling of process …
the most efficient and advanced tools for continuous monitoring and controlling of process …
[HTML][HTML] Application of artificial intelligence in phenomics
Plant phenomics has been rapidly advancing over the past few years. This advancement is
attributed to the increased innovation and availability of new technologies which can enable …
attributed to the increased innovation and availability of new technologies which can enable …
Novel throughput phenoty** platforms in plant genetic studies
JM Montes, AE Melchinger, JC Reif - Trends in plant science, 2007 -
Unraveling the genetic basis of complex traits in plants is limited by the lack of appropriate
phenoty** platforms that enable high-throughput screening of many genotypes in …
phenoty** platforms that enable high-throughput screening of many genotypes in …
Comparison and application of near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy for determination of quality parameters in soybean samples
Grain composition is directly related to maintenance of quality. Chemical analyses have
been determined using traditional and laborious methods, which are time-consuming and …
been determined using traditional and laborious methods, which are time-consuming and …
Regularized selection indices for breeding value prediction using hyper-spectral image data
High-throughput phenoty** (HTP) technologies can produce data on thousands of
phenotypes per unit being monitored. These data can be used to breed for economically …
phenotypes per unit being monitored. These data can be used to breed for economically …
Prediction and classification of sugar content of sugarcane based on skin scanning using visible and shortwave near infrared
The potential application of a visible and shortwave near infrared (Vis/SWNIR) spectroscopic
technique as a low cost alternative to predict sugar content based on skin scanning was …
technique as a low cost alternative to predict sugar content based on skin scanning was …
Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for protein, tryptophan, and lysine evaluation in quality protein maize (QPM) breeding programs
A Rosales, L Galicia, E Oviedo, C Islas… - Journal of agricultural …, 2011 - ACS Publications
Quality protein maize (QPM) has approximately twice the tryptophan (Trp) and lysine (Lys)
concentrations in protein compared to normal maize. Because several genetic systems …
concentrations in protein compared to normal maize. Because several genetic systems …
Tap** the genetic diversity of landraces in allogamous crops with doubled haploid lines: a case study from European flint maize
J Böhm, W Schipprack, HF Utz… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2017 - Springer
Key message Using landraces for broadening the genetic base of elite maize germplasm is
hampered by heterogeneity and high genetic load. Production of DH line libraries can help …
hampered by heterogeneity and high genetic load. Production of DH line libraries can help …
[PDF][PDF] **红外光谱分析技术在农产品/食品品质在线无损检测中的应用研究进展
孙通, 徐惠荣, 应义斌 - 光谱学与光谱分析, 2009 -
摘要农产品) 食品品质问题一直受到人们的广泛关注! 而由品质问题引起的农产品)
食品安全事故越来越多! 所以急需对农产品) 食品品质进行快速无损检测" 目前常用的快速检测 …
食品安全事故越来越多! 所以急需对农产品) 食品品质进行快速无损检测" 目前常用的快速检测 …
Use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the rapid evaluation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merri.] water soluble protein content
R Xu, W Hu, Y Zhou, X Zhang, S Xu, Q Guo, P Qi… - … Acta Part A: Molecular …, 2020 - Elsevier
Water soluble protein content (WSPC) is a parameter of great significance to the soybean
food industry. So far, genetic studies and breeding practices have been limited by the lack of …
food industry. So far, genetic studies and breeding practices have been limited by the lack of …