[HTML][HTML] X-ray computed tomography of polymer composites
The use of X-ray computed tomography (CT), exploiting both synchrotron and laboratory
sources, has grown significantly over the last decade, driven primarily by improvements in …
sources, has grown significantly over the last decade, driven primarily by improvements in …
In-line phase-contrast X-ray imaging and tomography for materials science
X-ray phase-contrast imaging and tomography make use of the refraction of X-rays by the
sample in image formation. This provides considerable additional information in the image …
sample in image formation. This provides considerable additional information in the image …
Analysis of short fibres orientation in steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) by X-ray tomography
The mechanical properties of fibre composite materials are largely determined by the
orientation of fibres within the matrix. Which orientation distribution short fibres follow in …
orientation of fibres within the matrix. Which orientation distribution short fibres follow in …
[HTML][HTML] Direct Bundle Simulation approach for the compression molding process of Sheet Molding Compound
The manufacturing process of Sheet Molding Compounds (SMC) induces a reorientation of
fibers during the flow, which influences local properties and is of interest for structural …
fibers during the flow, which influences local properties and is of interest for structural …
[HTML][HTML] Carbon fibre sheet moulding compounds with high in-mould flow: Linking morphology to tensile and compressive properties
LM Martulli, L Muyshondt, M Kerschbaum… - Composites Part A …, 2019 - Elsevier
In-mould flow during manufacturing of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMCs) heavily affects
the material microstructure and its mechanical properties. This influence is studied here for …
the material microstructure and its mechanical properties. This influence is studied here for …
[HTML][HTML] A finite element homogenization-based approach to analyze anisotropic mechanical properties of chopped fiber composites using realistic microstructural …
This article presents the application of cubic Statistical Volume Elements (SVEs) to
homogenize the elasticity tensor of epoxy matrix chopped glass fiber composites using …
homogenize the elasticity tensor of epoxy matrix chopped glass fiber composites using …
Towards the 3D in situ characterisation of deformation micro-mechanisms within a compressed bundle of fibres
The present study provides original experimental data concerning the evolution of the
microstructure of a bundle of fibres during its deformation. For that purpose, a model …
microstructure of a bundle of fibres during its deformation. For that purpose, a model …
Computational homogenization of sheet molding compound composites based on high fidelity representative volume elements
Sheet molding compound (SMC) composites combine high lightweight potential with
excellent formability and are frequently used in industrial applications. To reduce safety …
excellent formability and are frequently used in industrial applications. To reduce safety …
[HTML][HTML] A probabilistic virtual process chain to quantify process-induced uncertainties in sheet molding compounds
The manufacturing process of Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) influences the properties of
a component in a non-deterministic fashion. To predict this influence on the mechanical …
a component in a non-deterministic fashion. To predict this influence on the mechanical …
Methods for fibre orientation analysis of X-ray tomography images of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC)
H Herrmann, E Pastorelli, A Kallonen… - Journal of materials …, 2016 - Springer
One of the most important factors to determine the mechanical properties of a fibre
composite material is the orientation of the fibres in the matrix. This paper presents Hessian …
composite material is the orientation of the fibres in the matrix. This paper presents Hessian …