Marine renewable energy in the Mediterranean Sea: status and perspectives
In this work, an extended overview of the marine renewable energy in the Mediterranean
Sea is provided as regards current status, potential problems, challenges, and perspectives …
Sea is provided as regards current status, potential problems, challenges, and perspectives …
[HTML][HTML] Water, drought, climate change, and conflict in Syria
PH Gleick - Weather, climate, and society, 2014 - journals.ametsoc.org
The devastating civil war that began in Syria in March 2011 is the result of complex
interrelated factors. The focus of the conflict is regime change, but the triggers include a …
interrelated factors. The focus of the conflict is regime change, but the triggers include a …
[HTML][HTML] Climatic indices over the Mediterranean Sea: A review
F Criado-Aldeanueva, J Soto-Navarro - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The Mediterranean Sea, strategically situated across a dynamic frontier line that separates
two regions with different climates (Europe and North Africa), has been the focus of attention …
two regions with different climates (Europe and North Africa), has been the focus of attention …
[CARTE][B] Climate variability, drought, and drought management in Morocco's agricultural sector
D Verner, S Belghazi, J Christensen, C Elbert… - 2018 - documents.worldbank.org
Droughts in Morocco are increasing in frequency and intensity. Associated with global
climate change, this trend will likely be more evident in the future. Drought damage to the …
climate change, this trend will likely be more evident in the future. Drought damage to the …
[PDF][PDF] Океанография Черного моря
ВА Иванов, ВН Белокопытов - 2011 - researchgate.net
Черное море–одно из самых изученных морей Мирового океана, в нем были
проведены многочисленные морские экспедиции, ему посвящены сотни научных …
проведены многочисленные морские экспедиции, ему посвящены сотни научных …
Decadal scale variability of sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean Sea in relation to atmospheric variability
Twenty-four years of AVHRR-derived sea surface temperature (SST) data (1985–2008) and
35 years of NOCS (V. 2) in situ-based SST data (1973–2008) were used to investigate the …
35 years of NOCS (V. 2) in situ-based SST data (1973–2008) were used to investigate the …
Sea-level trend variability in the Mediterranean during the 1993–2019 period
Sea-level change is one of the most concerning climate change and global warming
consequences, especially impacting coastal societies and environments. The spatial and …
consequences, especially impacting coastal societies and environments. The spatial and …
Winter precipitation predictability in Central Southwest Asia and its representation in seasonal forecast systems
Abstract In Central Southwest Asia (CSWA; 22° N to 40° N and 30° E to 70° E), winter
(November to February) precipitation contributes up to 70% of the annual mean, but …
(November to February) precipitation contributes up to 70% of the annual mean, but …
Climatic controls on the interannual to decadal variability in Saudi Arabian dust activity: Toward the development of a seasonal dust prediction model
The observed climatic controls on springtime and summertime Saudi Arabian dust activities
during 1975–2012 are analyzed, leading to development of a seasonal dust prediction …
during 1975–2012 are analyzed, leading to development of a seasonal dust prediction …
[HTML][HTML] Climatic, decadal, and interannual variability in the upper layer of the Mediterranean Sea using remotely sensed and in-situ data
The Mediterranean Sea is considered a hot spot of global warming because it has been
changing faster than the global ocean, creating a strong impact on the marine environment …
changing faster than the global ocean, creating a strong impact on the marine environment …