Making data visualization more efficient and effective: a survey
Data visualization is crucial in today's data-driven business world, which has been widely
used for hel** decision making that is closely related to major revenues of many industrial …
used for hel** decision making that is closely related to major revenues of many industrial …
Big data visualization tools
N Bikakis - arxiv preprint arxiv:1801.08336, 2018 - arxiv.org
Data visualization and analytics are nowadays one of the corner-stones of Data Science,
turning the abundance of Big Data being produced through modern systems into actionable …
turning the abundance of Big Data being produced through modern systems into actionable …
A brief survey of methods for analytics over RDF knowledge graphs
There are several Knowledge Graphs expressed in RDF (Resource Description Framework)
that aggregate/integrate data from various sources for providing unified access services and …
that aggregate/integrate data from various sources for providing unified access services and …
[KNYGA][B] Linked data visualization: techniques, tools, and big data
Linked Data (LD) is a well-established standard for publishing and managing structured
information on the Web, gathering and bridging together knowledge from different scientific …
information on the Web, gathering and bridging together knowledge from different scientific …
[HTML][HTML] Pervasive Augmented Reality to support real-time data monitoring in industrial scenarios: Shop floor visualization evaluation and user study
Augmented Reality (AR) is a key technology in the transition to Industry 4.0 and smart
manufacturing, gaining reputation in a wide range of industrial fields One promising …
manufacturing, gaining reputation in a wide range of industrial fields One promising …
Empirical evaluation of linked data visualization tools
F Desimoni, L Po - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020 - Elsevier
The economic impact of open data in Europe has an estimated value of€ 140 billions a year
between direct and indirect effects. The social impact is also known to be high, as the use of …
between direct and indirect effects. The social impact is also known to be high, as the use of …
Visualization-Aware Time Series Min-Max Caching with Error Bound Guarantees
This paper addresses the challenges in interactive visual exploration of large multi-variate
time series data. Traditional data reduction techniques may improve latency but can distort …
time series data. Traditional data reduction techniques may improve latency but can distort …
Delivery and evaluation of an e-Learning framework through computer-aided analysis of learners' reflection text in a teacher development course
SC Kong - Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced …, 2021 - Springer
This study aimed at proposing an e-Learning framework in school education. The proposed
framework consisted of technology and pedagogy dimensions. The method of computer …
framework consisted of technology and pedagogy dimensions. The method of computer …
Survey of tools for linked data consumption
There is a large number of datasets published as Linked (Open) Data (LOD/LD). At the same
time, there is also a multitude of tools for publication of LD. However, potential LD …
time, there is also a multitude of tools for publication of LD. However, potential LD …
Towards democratizing relational data visualization
The problem of data visualization is to transform data into a visual context such that people
can easily understand the significance of data. Nowadays, data visualization becomes …
can easily understand the significance of data. Nowadays, data visualization becomes …