An adaptive PID autotuner for multicopters with experimental results

J Spencer, J Lee, JA Paredes, A Goel… - … on Robotics and …, 2022 -
This paper develops an adaptive PID autotuner for multicopters, and presents simulation
and experimental results. The autotuner consists of adaptive digital control laws based on …

Adaptive integral backstep** control of a reconfigurable quadrotor with variable parameters' estimation

SH Derrouaoui, Y Bouzid… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
This work presents the control of a quadrotor capable of changing its configuration while
flying. The designed controller should handle several arising issues since the drone …

Genetically tuned linear quadratic regulator for trajectory tracking of a quadrotor

AT Karaşahin - Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and …, 2024 -
In this paper, a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller operating according to the
genetically tuned inner-outer loop structure is proposed for trajectory tracking of a quadrotor …

Optimizing PID controller coefficients using an improved biogeography-based optimization to stabilize movements of quadcopters

S Ziamanesh, A Tavaana, AA Ghavifekr… - … : Theory and Practice, 2022 - Springer
Quadcopters are four propellers unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which have various
applications such as rescue, remote sensing, and surveying. Providing stability and reliable …

Study on PID gain parameter optimization for a quadcopter under static wind turbulence using bio-inspired algorithms

OK Soyinka, MN Ikpaya, L Luka - Discover Electronics, 2025 - Springer
The use of multi-winged drones in real-world applications continues to make it a topic of
scholarly research. This paper considers the stabilization of the quadcopter's attitude rates …

Optimal Tuning Of Integral Saturation Back-Step** Quadcopter's Controller Using Grey Wolf Optimizer

LMS El Islam, O M'hamed… - 2024 2nd International …, 2024 -
Quadcopters require affordable and efficient controls to accurately follow planned flight
paths. At now, there are various techniques available for path tracking, which utilize either …

Bir Hava Robotu İçin Geliştirilen Genetik Ayarlı LQR Kontrolörün Performansının Değerlendirilmesi

AT Karaşahin - Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik … -
Hava robotları erişebilir, basit ve üstün kabiliyetlerinden dolayı birçok uygulama alanında
geniş yer bulmaktadır. Geniş bir yelpazede kullanılan hava robotlarından farklı beklentiler …

[Цитат][C] Dört rotorlu bir insansız hava aracının otonom uçuşu için optimum kontrolcü tasarımı

E Balta - 2023 - Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen …