Using virtual reality to assess user experience

F Rebelo, P Noriega, E Duarte, M Soares - Human factors, 2012 -
Objective: The aim of this article is to discuss how user experience (UX) evaluation can
benefit from the use of virtual reality (VR). Background: UX is usually evaluated in laboratory …

Tourism and mobile technology

B Brown, M Chalmers - ECSCW 2003: Proceedings of the Eighth …, 2003 - Springer
While tourism presents considerable potential for the use of new mobile technologies, we
currently have little understanding of how tourists organise their activities or of the problems …

Hacking the natural habitat: An in-the-wild study of smart homes, their development, and the people who live in them

S Mennicken, EM Huang - … , Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, UK, June 18-22 …, 2012 - Springer
Commercial home automation systems are becoming increasingly common, affording the
opportunity to study technology-augmented homes in real world contexts. In order to …

Social TV: Designing for distributed, sociable television viewing

N Ducheneaut, RJ Moore, L Oehlberg… - Intl. Journal of Human …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Media research has shown that people enjoy watching television as a part of socializing in
groups. However, many constraints in daily life limit the opportunities for doing so. The …

The evolution of buildings and implications for the design of ubiquitous domestic environments

T Rodden, S Benford - Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human …, 2003 -
This paper considers how we may realize future ubiquitous domestic environments. Building
upon previous work on how buildings evolve by Stewart Brand, we suggest the need to …

The calendar is crucial: Coordination and awareness through the family calendar

C Neustaedter, AJB Brush, S Greenberg - ACM Transactions on …, 2009 -
Everyday family life involves a myriad of mundane activities that need to be planned and
coordinated. We describe findings from studies of 44 different families' calendaring routines …

The networked home: an analysis of current developments and future trends

A Venkatesh, E Kruse, ECF Shih - Cognition, Technology & Work, 2003 - Springer
The paper examines the concept of the networked home as both a social institution and a
technological construction. While the concept of networks is not new to family studies, the …

Music sharing as a computer supported collaborative application

B Brown, AJ Sellen, E Geelhoed - … of the Seventh European Conference on …, 2001 - Springer
New computer applications, such as the infamous “Napster” system enable the sharing of
music over the Internet, with limited communication around this sharing activity. This paper …

Understanding the dynamics of technological configurations: A conceptual framework and the case of Smart Homes

A Peine - Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper explores the innovation dynamics of technological configurations using one
particular case study. Technological configurations have been defined in the literature as …

Interactive TV for the home: An ethnographic study on users' requirements and experiences

M Obrist, R Bernhaupt, M Tscheligi - Intl. Journal of Human …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Interactive TV (iTV) will only succeed if user-centered solutions are provided. Despite an
increasing focus on the home environment within the human–computer interaction field …