Facilitating extraction and discovery of enterprise services

M Roy, DMR Schmidt, B Suleiman - US Patent 9,069,844, 2015 - Google Patents
7,844,612 B2 11/2010 Colgrave et al. querying a knowledge base based on each term of
the set of terms to define a first set of facts, each fact of the first set of facts including instance …

Enhancing enterprise service design knowledge using ontology-based clustering

M Roy, NA Wittstruck - US Patent 9,177,289, 2015 - Google Patents
US9177289B2 - Enhancing enterprise service design knowledge using ontology-based clustering
- Google Patents US9177289B2 - Enhancing enterprise service design knowledge using …

Facilitating extraction and discovery of enterprise services

M Roy, B Suleiman, M Stollberg - US Patent 9,189,566, 2015 - Google Patents
Implementations of the present disclosure include methods for annotating an enterprise
service that is electronically stored in an enterprise service repository. In some implemen …

Facilitating extraction and discovery of enterprise services

M Roy, DMR Schmidt, B Suleiman - US Patent 9,740,754, 2017 - Google Patents
US9740754B2 - Facilitating extraction and discovery of enterprise services - Google Patents
US9740754B2 - Facilitating extraction and discovery of enterprise services - Google Patents …

Extending enterprise service design knowledge using clustering

M Roy, I Weber, B Benatallah - … 2012, Shanghai, China, November 12-15 …, 2012 - Springer
Automatically constructing or completing knowledge bases of SOA design knowledge puts
traditional clustering approaches beyond their limits. We propose an approach to amend …

Entity-centric search for enterprise services

M Roy, I Weber, B Benatallah - … 2013, Berlin, Germany, December 2-5 …, 2013 - Springer
The consumption of APIs, such as Enterprise Services (ESs) in an enterprise Service-
Oriented Architecture (eSOA), has largely been a task for experienced developers. With the …

Extending Enterprise Service Design

KU Clustering, M Roy, I Weber… - … , ICSOC 2012, Shanghai …, 2012 - books.google.com
Automatically constructing or completing knowledge bases of SOA design knowledge puts
traditional clustering approaches beyond their limits. We propose an approach to amend …

[CITÁCIA][C] Please see http://www. imweber. de/publications. html for a list of publi-cations that is regularly updated. Preprints of most papers can also be found there …

I Weber - 2017