[HTML][HTML] The human hippocampus and spatial and episodic memory
N Burgess, EA Maguire, J O'Keefe - Neuron, 2002 - cell.com
Finding one's way around an environment and remembering the events that occur within it
are crucial cognitive abilities that have been linked to the hippocampus and medial temporal …
are crucial cognitive abilities that have been linked to the hippocampus and medial temporal …
Self-projection and the brain
RL Buckner, DC Carroll - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2007 - cell.com
When thinking about the future or the upcoming actions of another person, we mentally
project ourselves into that alternative situation. Accumulating data suggest that envisioning …
project ourselves into that alternative situation. Accumulating data suggest that envisioning …
A cortical representation of the local visual environment
R Epstein, N Kanwisher - Nature, 1998 - nature.com
Medial temporal brain regions such as the hippocampal formation and parahippocampal
cortex have been generally implicated in navigation,,,,, and visual memory,,. However, the …
cortex have been generally implicated in navigation,,,,, and visual memory,,. However, the …
Imaging cognition II: An empirical review of 275 PET and fMRI studies
Positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
have been extensively used to explore the functional neuroanatomy of cognitive functions …
have been extensively used to explore the functional neuroanatomy of cognitive functions …
The application of virtual reality technology in rehabilitation.
MT Schultheis, AA Rizzo - Rehabilitation psychology, 2001 - psycnet.apa.org
Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology with a variety of potential benefits for many
aspects of rehabilitation assessment, treatment, and research. Through its capacity to allow …
aspects of rehabilitation assessment, treatment, and research. Through its capacity to allow …
Spatial knowledge acquisition from direct experience in the environment: Individual differences in the development of metric knowledge and the integration of …
T Ishikawa, DR Montello - Cognitive psychology, 2006 - Elsevier
Existing frameworks for explaining spatial knowledge acquisition in a new environment
propose either stage-like or continuous development. To examine the spatial microgenesis …
propose either stage-like or continuous development. To examine the spatial microgenesis …
[HTML][HTML] The well-worn route and the path less traveled: distinct neural bases of route following and wayfinding in humans
Finding one's way in a large-scale environment may engage different cognitive processes
than following a familiar route. The neural bases of these processes were investigated using …
than following a familiar route. The neural bases of these processes were investigated using …
The view from the road: Implications for stress recovery and immunization
A considerable body of folklore and scientific research alludes to the efficacy of the
vernacular environment to influence both aesthetic experience and general well-being. To …
vernacular environment to influence both aesthetic experience and general well-being. To …
A critical review of the allocentric spatial representation and its neural underpinnings: toward a network-based perspective
While the widely studied allocentric spatial representation holds a special status in
neuroscience research, its exact nature and neural underpinnings continue to be the topic of …
neuroscience research, its exact nature and neural underpinnings continue to be the topic of …
Spatial cognition and the brain
N Burgess - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Recent advances in the understanding of spatial cognition are reviewed, focusing on
memory for locations in large‐scale space and on those advances inspired by single‐unit …
memory for locations in large‐scale space and on those advances inspired by single‐unit …