Energy spectrum of neutron-rich helium isotopes: Complex made simple
We demonstrate that the intricate energy spectrum of neutron-rich helium isotopes can be
straightforwardly described by taking advantage of the low-energy properties of neutron …
straightforwardly described by taking advantage of the low-energy properties of neutron …
[HTML][HTML] Investigating the 10Li continuum through 9Li (d, p) 10Li reactions
The continuum structure of the unbound system 10 Li, inferred from the 9 Li (d, p) 10 Li
transfer reaction, is reexamined. Experimental data for this reaction, measured at two …
transfer reaction, is reexamined. Experimental data for this reaction, measured at two …
Structure of the exotic nucleus from the no-core shell model with continuum
Background: The exotic He 9 nucleus, which presents one of the most extreme neutron-to-
proton ratios, belongs to the N= 7 isotonic chain famous for the phenomenon of ground-state …
proton ratios, belongs to the N= 7 isotonic chain famous for the phenomenon of ground-state …
Structure of through proton resonance scattering with the Texas Active Target detector
Background: Level structure of the most neutron-deficient nucleon-bound carbon isotope, C
9, is not well known. Definitive spin-parity assignments are only available for two excited …
9, is not well known. Definitive spin-parity assignments are only available for two excited …
Collectivization of anti-analog strength above charged particle thresholds
Ten years ago, highly excited states were found in Li 9 and Be 10 a few hundred kilovolts
above the proton decay threshold. These physical states are too low in energy to be the …
above the proton decay threshold. These physical states are too low in energy to be the …
Implementation of TTIK method and time of flight for resonance reaction studies at heavy ion accelerator DC-60
To study resonance reactions of heavy ions at low energy we have combined the Thick
Target Inverse Kinematics Method (TTIK) with Time of Flight method (TF). We used extended …
Target Inverse Kinematics Method (TTIK) with Time of Flight method (TF). We used extended …
Low-lying level structure of the neutron-unbound isotones
This article reports on results of an experimental search for ground state shell inversion in
the neutron-unbound N= 7 isotones He 9 and Li 10. Two different radioactive ion beams (Be …
the neutron-unbound N= 7 isotones He 9 and Li 10. Two different radioactive ion beams (Be …
Neutron versus proton scattering on exotic nuclei: the He example
Neutron scattering on exotic nuclides is a class of processes which can not be studied
directly now and in any observable future. Resonance proton scattering of exotic nuclide on …
directly now and in any observable future. Resonance proton scattering of exotic nuclide on …
Data on Neutron–Neutron Scattering Length from the Reaction at MeV
ES Konobeevski, AA Afonin, SV Zuyev… - Physics of Atomic …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The^ 1 S_ 0 neutron–neutron (nn) scattering length was measured in the neutron–
deuteron (nd) breakup reaction at an energy of 60 MeV. The respective experiment was …
deuteron (nd) breakup reaction at an energy of 60 MeV. The respective experiment was …
Observation of isobaric analog states in using resonance scattering
Background: Resonance scattering has been extensively used to study the structure of
exotic, neutron-deficient nuclei. Extension of the resonance scattering technique to neutron …
exotic, neutron-deficient nuclei. Extension of the resonance scattering technique to neutron …