Circannual variation in movement patterns of the Black Kite (Milvus migrans migrans): a review

M Panuccio, N Agostini, U Mellone… - Ethology Ecology & …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The nominal subspecies of the Black Kite is a summer resident in Europe and Asia that
winters mostly in western Africa, although numbers of birds wintering in the Mediterranean …

Morphology, flight performance, and water crossing tendencies of Afro-Palearctic raptors during migration

N Agostini, M Panuccio, C Pasquaretta - Current Zoology, 2015 -
Raptors primarily use soaring-gliding flight which exploits thermals and ridge lifts over land
to reduce energetic costs. However during migration, these birds often have to cross water …

Narrow sea crossings present major obstacles to migrating Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus

KL Bildstein, MJ Bechard, C Farmer, L Newcomb - Ibis, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The flight behaviour of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus was studied at a major migration
bottleneck, the Strait of Gibraltar in southernmost Spain, during the autumns of 2004 to 2007 …

Wind conditions facilitate the seasonal water‐crossing behaviour of Oriental Honey‐buzzards Pernis ptilorhynchus over the East China Sea

E Nourani, NM Yamaguchi, A Manda, H Higuchi - Ibis, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Migratory raptors rarely fly over stretches of water larger than 25 km, although different
species undertake water crossings of varying lengths, depending mainly on their wing …

The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds

E Nourani, G Bohrer, P Becciu… - … of the Royal …, 2021 -
Flying over the open sea is energetically costly for terrestrial birds. Despite this, over-water
journeys of many birds, sometimes hundreds of kilometres long, are uncovered by bio …

Pushed by increasing air temperature and tailwind speed: weather selectivity of raptors migrating across the Aegean Sea

M Panuccio, C Barboutis, G Chiatante… - Ornis …, 2016 -
A vast number of raptors migrates between the Western Palearctic and Africa every autumn.
Species and/or populations ofmigratory raptors that choose to cross theMediterranean Sea …

Weather-influenced water-crossing behaviour of black kites (Milvus migrans) during migration

I Literák, S Ovčiariková, J Škrábal, H Matušík, R Raab… - Biologia, 2021 - Springer
Abstract From 2014 to 2020, 32 black kites from various European countries were tagged
with telemetry devices and tracked to study their spatiotemporal behaviour. Eleven birds …

Natal dispersal in Black Kites Milvus migrans migrans in Europe

S Ovčiariková, J Škrábal, H Matušík, K Makoň… - Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The European population of Black Kites of the nominate subspecies Milvus migrans
migrans (Boddaert, 1783) is estimated at 81,200–109,000 pairs. The birds winter in Africa …

[PDF][PDF] Local weather conditions affect migration strategies of adult Western Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) through an isthmus area

M Panuccio, N Agostini, G Lucia, U Mellone, S Wilson… - Zoological …, 2010 - Citeseer
Michele Panuccio, Nicolantonio Agostini, Giuseppe Lucia, Ugo Mellone, Stephen Wilson,
Jack Ashton-Booth, Gianpasquale Chiatante, and Simone Todisco (2010) Local weather …

[PDF][PDF] Getrennte Wege: Der Herbstzug von juvenilen und adulten Wespenbussarden Pernis apivorus–eine Synthese

H Schmid - Orn. Beob, 2000 -
Separate routes: autumn migration 0f juvenile and adult European Honey-buzzards Pernis
apivorus 7 a synthesis.—The paper prescnts a synthesis on autumn migration 0f European …