Circannual variation in movement patterns of the Black Kite (Milvus migrans migrans): a review
The nominal subspecies of the Black Kite is a summer resident in Europe and Asia that
winters mostly in western Africa, although numbers of birds wintering in the Mediterranean …
winters mostly in western Africa, although numbers of birds wintering in the Mediterranean …
Morphology, flight performance, and water crossing tendencies of Afro-Palearctic raptors during migration
Raptors primarily use soaring-gliding flight which exploits thermals and ridge lifts over land
to reduce energetic costs. However during migration, these birds often have to cross water …
to reduce energetic costs. However during migration, these birds often have to cross water …
Narrow sea crossings present major obstacles to migrating Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus
KL Bildstein, MJ Bechard, C Farmer, L Newcomb - Ibis, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The flight behaviour of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus was studied at a major migration
bottleneck, the Strait of Gibraltar in southernmost Spain, during the autumns of 2004 to 2007 …
bottleneck, the Strait of Gibraltar in southernmost Spain, during the autumns of 2004 to 2007 …
Wind conditions facilitate the seasonal water‐crossing behaviour of Oriental Honey‐buzzards Pernis ptilorhynchus over the East China Sea
Migratory raptors rarely fly over stretches of water larger than 25 km, although different
species undertake water crossings of varying lengths, depending mainly on their wing …
species undertake water crossings of varying lengths, depending mainly on their wing …
The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds
Flying over the open sea is energetically costly for terrestrial birds. Despite this, over-water
journeys of many birds, sometimes hundreds of kilometres long, are uncovered by bio …
journeys of many birds, sometimes hundreds of kilometres long, are uncovered by bio …
Pushed by increasing air temperature and tailwind speed: weather selectivity of raptors migrating across the Aegean Sea
A vast number of raptors migrates between the Western Palearctic and Africa every autumn.
Species and/or populations ofmigratory raptors that choose to cross theMediterranean Sea …
Species and/or populations ofmigratory raptors that choose to cross theMediterranean Sea …
Weather-influenced water-crossing behaviour of black kites (Milvus migrans) during migration
I Literák, S Ovčiariková, J Škrábal, H Matušík, R Raab… - Biologia, 2021 - Springer
Abstract From 2014 to 2020, 32 black kites from various European countries were tagged
with telemetry devices and tracked to study their spatiotemporal behaviour. Eleven birds …
with telemetry devices and tracked to study their spatiotemporal behaviour. Eleven birds …
Natal dispersal in Black Kites Milvus migrans migrans in Europe
S Ovčiariková, J Škrábal, H Matušík, K Makoň… - Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The European population of Black Kites of the nominate subspecies Milvus migrans
migrans (Boddaert, 1783) is estimated at 81,200–109,000 pairs. The birds winter in Africa …
migrans (Boddaert, 1783) is estimated at 81,200–109,000 pairs. The birds winter in Africa …
[PDF][PDF] Local weather conditions affect migration strategies of adult Western Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) through an isthmus area
Michele Panuccio, Nicolantonio Agostini, Giuseppe Lucia, Ugo Mellone, Stephen Wilson,
Jack Ashton-Booth, Gianpasquale Chiatante, and Simone Todisco (2010) Local weather …
Jack Ashton-Booth, Gianpasquale Chiatante, and Simone Todisco (2010) Local weather …
[PDF][PDF] Getrennte Wege: Der Herbstzug von juvenilen und adulten Wespenbussarden Pernis apivorus–eine Synthese
H Schmid - Orn. Beob, 2000 - ala-schweiz.ch
Separate routes: autumn migration 0f juvenile and adult European Honey-buzzards Pernis
apivorus 7 a synthesis.—The paper prescnts a synthesis on autumn migration 0f European …
apivorus 7 a synthesis.—The paper prescnts a synthesis on autumn migration 0f European …