Immersive virtual reality in the age of the Metaverse: A hybrid-narrative review based on the technology affordance perspective
Immersive virtual reality (VR) that utilizes head-mounted displays (HMD) is one of the key
emerging technologies of the 21st century and has drawn keen attention from consumers …
emerging technologies of the 21st century and has drawn keen attention from consumers …
Tackling challenges in care of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias amid the COVID‐19 pandemic, now and in the future
We have provided an overview on the profound impact of COVID‐19 upon older people with
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and the challenges encountered in our …
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and the challenges encountered in our …
Care of the patient with acute ischemic stroke (posthyperacute and prehospital discharge): update to 2009 comprehensive nursing care scientific statement: a scientific …
In 2009, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association published a
comprehensive scientific statement detailing the nursing care of the patient with an acute …
comprehensive scientific statement detailing the nursing care of the patient with an acute …
Telerehabilitation in response to constrained physical distance: an opportunity to rethink neurorehabilitative routines
Ensuring proper dosage of treatment and repetition over time is a major challenge in
neurorehabilitation. However, a requirement of physical distancing to date compromises …
neurorehabilitation. However, a requirement of physical distancing to date compromises …
Robotic home-based rehabilitation systems design: from a literature review to a conceptual framework for community-based remote therapy during COVID-19 …
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the higher susceptibility of post-stroke patients to infection
calls for extra safety precautions. Despite the imposed restrictions, early neurorehabilitation …
calls for extra safety precautions. Despite the imposed restrictions, early neurorehabilitation …
Effectiveness of exercise via telehealth for chronic disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions delivered via videoconferencing
Objective To investigate the effectiveness of videoconferencing exercise interventions for
people with chronic diseases. Design Systematic review incorporating meta-analysis. Data …
people with chronic diseases. Design Systematic review incorporating meta-analysis. Data …
Decision tree and artificial immune systems for stroke prediction in imbalanced data
Although cerebral stroke is a important public worldwide health problem with more than 43
million global cases reported recently, more than 90% of metabolic risk factors are …
million global cases reported recently, more than 90% of metabolic risk factors are …
Home-based rehabilitation of the shoulder using auxiliary systems and artificial intelligence: an overview
Advancements in modern medicine have bolstered the usage of home-based rehabilitation
services for patients, particularly those recovering from diseases or conditions that …
services for patients, particularly those recovering from diseases or conditions that …
Recent trends in telerehabilitation of stroke patients: A narrative review
BACKGROUND: Stroke is the main reason for disabilities worldwide leading to motor
dysfunction, spatial neglect and cognitive problems, aphasia, and other speech-language …
dysfunction, spatial neglect and cognitive problems, aphasia, and other speech-language …
HoMEcare aRm rehabiLItatioN (MERLIN): Telerehabilitation using an unactuated device based on serious games improves the upper limb function in chronic stroke
Abstract Background HoMEcare aRm rehabiLItatioN (MERLIN) is an unactuated version of
the robotic device ArmAssist combined with a telecare platform. Stroke patients are able to …
the robotic device ArmAssist combined with a telecare platform. Stroke patients are able to …