Experimental and numerical study on flow/flame interactions and pollutant emissions of premixed methane-air flames with enhanced lean blowout hydrogen injection
This study investigates experimentally and numerically the stability, combustion, and
emissions characteristics of premixed swirl-stabilized methane/air flames with enhanced …
emissions characteristics of premixed swirl-stabilized methane/air flames with enhanced …
[HTML][HTML] Stability and combustion characteristics of dual annular counter-rotating swirl oxy-methane flames: Effects of equivalence and velocity ratios
An experimental study was carried out to investigate flow/flame interactions, stability,
combustion, and emissions properties of CH 4/O 2/CO 2 stratified flames stabilized on a dual …
combustion, and emissions properties of CH 4/O 2/CO 2 stratified flames stabilized on a dual …
Stability and Combustion/Emission Characteristics of Stratified Dual-Swirl Oxy-Methane Flames: Effects of Oxygen Fraction
The stability, combustion, and emission features of stratified oxy-methane (CH 4/O 2/CO 2)
flames stabilized over a dual annular counter-rotating swirl (DACRS) burner, developed for …
flames stabilized over a dual annular counter-rotating swirl (DACRS) burner, developed for …
Experimental and numerical investigation of methane/air and biogas/air coflow flames in a confined coaxial burner
The present experimental-cum-numerical work reports three different types of transitions
(Type I, Type II, and Type III) observed in the flame topology of non-premixed methane/air …
(Type I, Type II, and Type III) observed in the flame topology of non-premixed methane/air …
Impacts of flow swirl on stability and flow/flame interactions of premixed oxy-methane swirl flames
Abstract Effects of flow swirl on stability and flow/flame interactions of premixed oxy-methane
flames (CH4/O2/CO2) are investigated experimentally and numerically in a premixed model …
flames (CH4/O2/CO2) are investigated experimentally and numerically in a premixed model …
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Methane–Air-Premixed Jet Flames With Flat/Hemispherical Walls
The in-depth study of the mutual coupling between the flame and the wall can significantly
enhance the efficiency of actual combustion devices. A two-dimensional numerical model …
enhance the efficiency of actual combustion devices. A two-dimensional numerical model …
[PDF][PDF] Heat Transfer Characteristics of Methane–Air-Premixed Jet Flames With Flat/Hemispherical Walls
The in-depth study of the mutual coupling between the flame and the wall can significantly
enhance the efficiency of actual combustion devices. A two-dimensional numerical model …
enhance the efficiency of actual combustion devices. A two-dimensional numerical model …
Effects of Adiabatic Flame Temperature and Oxygen Concentration in CH4/N2/O2 Nonswirl Jet Flames: Experimental and Numerical Study
The combustion characteristics of oxygen-enriched air–methane (ie, O2/N2/CH4) flames in a
premixed mode are investigated using both experimentally and numerically under …
premixed mode are investigated using both experimentally and numerically under …
Equivalence Ratio Effect on Helium Diluted Methane Jet Flame Temperature and Pollutant Emission for a Swirl Assisted Gas Turbine Burner
Temperature distribution and post-combustion emissions in gas turbine combustion
chambers have attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. In this study, the …
chambers have attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. In this study, the …
[PDF][PDF] Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Due to the obvious increase in the environmental and human health concerns produced by
diesel engines, there has been a lot of interest in ecologically friendly diesel fuels. Current …
diesel engines, there has been a lot of interest in ecologically friendly diesel fuels. Current …