[КНИГА][B] Handbook of knowledge representation

F Van Harmelen, V Lifschitz, B Porter - 2008 - books.google.com
Handbook of Knowledge Representation describes the essential foundations of Knowledge
Representation, which lies at the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book provides an up …

[КНИГА][B] Fuzzy randomness: uncertainty in civil engineering and computational mechanics

B Möller, M Beer - 2013 - books.google.com
sections dealing with fuzzy functions and fuzzy random functions are certain to be of special
interest. The reader is expected to be in command of the knowledge gained in a basic …

An approach to modelling and simulation of uncertain dynamical systems

E Hüllermeier - International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and …, 1997 - World Scientific
Co** with uncertainty in dynamical systems has recently received some attention in
artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the fields of qualitative and model-based reasoning …

Fuzzy structural analysis using α-level optimization

B Möller, W Graf, M Beer - Computational mechanics, 2000 - Springer
In this paper new concepts and developments are presented for structural analysis involving
uncertain parameters. Based on a classification of the uncertainties in structural analysis the …

Qualitative modeling

KD Forbus - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, 2008 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Qualitative modeling is most commonly referred to as “qualitative
reasoning”(QR) in literature, and it concerns representation and reasoning about the …

Current developments in the theory of FDI

ΜP Frank, XS Ding, B Koppen-Seliger - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2000 - Elsevier
In this paper current developments in the FDI theory are reviewed. Attention is focused upon
the analytical approaches that make use of quantitative models, knowledge based …

Differential equations with fuzzy parameters

M Oberguggenberger, S Pittschmann - … and Computer Modelling …, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
This paper is concerned with systems of ordinary differential equations with fuzzy
parameters. Applying the Zadeh extension principle to the equations, we introduce the …

A survey on interval model simulators and their properties related to fault detection

J Armengol, L Travé-Massuyès, J Vehi… - Annual reviews in …, 2000 - Elsevier
The imprecision and the uncertainty of many systems can be expressed with interval
models. The results of the simulation of these models can be represented by envelopes …

A systematic framework for the development and analysis of signed digraphs for chemical processes. 1. Algorithms and analysis

MR Maurya, R Rengaswamy… - Industrial & …, 2003 - ACS Publications
In the recent past, graph-based approaches have been proposed by various researchers for
safety analysis and fault diagnosis of chemical process systems. Though these approaches …

Analytical and numerical solutions of fuzzy differential equations

MZ Ahmad, MK Hasan, B De Baets - Information Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study analytical and numerical solutions of fuzzy differential equations
based on the extension principle. For linear fuzzy differential equations, we state some …