Ancient DNA analysis
Although the first ancient DNA molecules were extracted more than three decades ago, the
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
A review of recent progress of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in China
The continuous temperature rise has raised global concerns about CO2 emissions. As the
country with the largest CO2 emissions, China is facing the challenge of achieving large …
country with the largest CO2 emissions, China is facing the challenge of achieving large …
The Anthropocene as an Event, not an Epoch
Over the course of the last decade the concept of the Anthropocene has become widely
established within and beyond the geoscientific literature but its boundaries remain …
established within and beyond the geoscientific literature but its boundaries remain …
Climate change, not human population growth, correlates with Late Quaternary megafauna declines in North America
The disappearance of many North American megafauna at the end of the Pleistocene is a
contentious topic. While the proposed causes for megafaunal extinction are varied, most …
contentious topic. While the proposed causes for megafaunal extinction are varied, most …
Extensive sampling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineages
The ecology and genetic diversity of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae before
human domestication remain poorly understood. Taiwan is regarded as part of this yeast's …
human domestication remain poorly understood. Taiwan is regarded as part of this yeast's …
Late Pleistocene megafauna extinction leads to missing pieces of ecological space in a North American mammal community
The conservation status of large-bodied mammals is dire. Their decline has serious
consequences because they have unique ecological roles not replicated by smaller-bodied …
consequences because they have unique ecological roles not replicated by smaller-bodied …
Ancient DNA and osteological analyses of a unique paleo-archive reveal Early Holocene faunal expansion into the Scandinavian Arctic
A Boilard, SJ Walker, TK Lødøen, M Henriksen… - Science …, 2024 - science.org
Paleo-archives are essential for our understanding of species responses to climate
warming, yet such archives are extremely rare in the Arctic. Here, we combine …
warming, yet such archives are extremely rare in the Arctic. Here, we combine …
Pleistocene glacial and interglacial ecosystems inferred from ancient DNA analyses of permafrost sediments from Batagay megaslump, East Siberia
Pronounced glacial and interglacial climate cycles characterized northern ecosystems
during the Pleistocene. Our understanding of the resultant community transformations and …
during the Pleistocene. Our understanding of the resultant community transformations and …
Divergent sensory and immune gene evolution in sea turtles with contrasting demographic and life histories
Sea turtles represent an ancient lineage of marine vertebrates that evolved from terrestrial
ancestors over 100 Mya. The genomic basis of the unique physiological and ecological traits …
ancestors over 100 Mya. The genomic basis of the unique physiological and ecological traits …
Evolutionary causes and consequences of ungulate migration
Ungulate migrations are crucial for maintaining abundant populations and functional
ecosystems. However, little is known about how or why migratory behaviour evolved in …
ecosystems. However, little is known about how or why migratory behaviour evolved in …