Unbalanced optimal transport, from theory to numerics
Optimal Transport (OT) has recently emerged as a central tool in data sciences to compare
in a geometrically faithful way point clouds and more generally probability distributions. The …
in a geometrically faithful way point clouds and more generally probability distributions. The …
Diff-instruct: A universal approach for transferring knowledge from pre-trained diffusion models
Due to the ease of training, ability to scale, and high sample quality, diffusion models (DMs)
have become the preferred option for generative modeling, with numerous pre-trained …
have become the preferred option for generative modeling, with numerous pre-trained …
Scalable Gromov-Wasserstein learning for graph partitioning and matching
We propose a scalable Gromov-Wasserstein learning (S-GWL) method and establish a
novel and theoretically-supported paradigm for large-scale graph analysis. The proposed …
novel and theoretically-supported paradigm for large-scale graph analysis. The proposed …
Semantic correspondence as an optimal transport problem
Establishing dense correspondences across semantically similar images is a challenging
task. Due to the large intra-class variation and background clutter, two common issues occur …
task. Due to the large intra-class variation and background clutter, two common issues occur …
Distributional sliced-Wasserstein and applications to generative modeling
Sliced-Wasserstein distance (SW) and its variant, Max Sliced-Wasserstein distance (Max-
SW), have been used widely in the recent years due to their fast computation and scalability …
SW), have been used widely in the recent years due to their fast computation and scalability …
Linear-time gromov wasserstein distances using low rank couplings and costs
The ability to align points across two related yet incomparable point clouds (eg living in
different spaces) plays an important role in machine learning. The Gromov-Wasserstein …
different spaces) plays an important role in machine learning. The Gromov-Wasserstein …
The unbalanced gromov wasserstein distance: Conic formulation and relaxation
Comparing metric measure spaces (ie a metric space endowed with a probability
distribution) is at the heart of many machine learning problems. The most popular distance …
distribution) is at the heart of many machine learning problems. The most popular distance …
Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance for structured objects
Optimal transport theory has recently found many applications in machine learning thanks to
its capacity to meaningfully compare various machine learning objects that are viewed as …
its capacity to meaningfully compare various machine learning objects that are viewed as …
Phase stability through machine learning
R Arróyave - Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2022 - Springer
Understanding the phase stability of a chemical system constitutes the foundation of
materials science. Knowledge of the equilibrium state of a system under arbitrary …
materials science. Knowledge of the equilibrium state of a system under arbitrary …
Learning with minibatch Wasserstein: asymptotic and gradient properties
Optimal transport distances are powerful tools to compare probability distributions and have
found many applications in machine learning. Yet their algorithmic complexity prevents their …
found many applications in machine learning. Yet their algorithmic complexity prevents their …