Understanding adsorption and biodegradation in granular activated carbon for drinking water treatment: a critical review

J Yuan, E Passeport, R Hofmann - Water research, 2022 - Elsevier
Drinking water treatment plants use granular activated carbon (GAC) to adsorb and remove
trace organics, but the GAC has a limited lifetime in terms of adsorptive capacity and needs …

Arbuscular mycorrhiza and soil nitrogen cycling

SD Veresoglou, B Chen, MC Rillig - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012 - Elsevier
Nitrogen is a major nutrient that frequently limits primary productivity in terrestrial
ecosystems. Therefore, the physiological responses of plants to soil nitrogen (N) availability …

Classification and modelling of nonextractable residue (NER) formation of xenobiotics in soil–a synthesis

M Kaestner, KM Nowak, A Miltner, S Trapp… - Critical Reviews in …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This review provides a comprehensive overview about nonextractable residue (NER)
formation and attempts to classify the various types. Xenobiotic NER derived from parent …

Symbiotic role of Glomus mosseae in phytoextraction of lead in vetiver grass [Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.)]

P Punamiya, R Datta, D Sarkar, S Barber… - Journal of hazardous …, 2010 - Elsevier
Lead (Pb) has limited solubility in the soil environment owing to complexation with various
soil components. Although total soil Pb concentrations may be high at a given site, the …

Peat-based gnotobiotic plant growth systems for Arabidopsis microbiome research

JM Kremer, R Sohrabi, BC Paasch, D Rhodes… - Nature protocols, 2021 - nature.com
The complex structure and function of a plant microbiome are driven by many variables,
including the environment, microbe–microbe interactions and host factors. Likewise …

Combined bioaugmentation and biostimulation to cleanup soil contaminated with high concentrations of atrazine

E Silva, AM Fialho, I Sá-Correia… - … science & technology, 2004 - ACS Publications
We developed a joint bioaugmentation and biostimulation approach for the clean up of soil
contaminated with high (168.7 and 337.4 μg g-1) concentrations of the herbicide atrazine (2 …

Formation and fate of bound residues from microbial biomass during 2, 4-D degradation in soil

KM Nowak, A Miltner, M Gehre… - … science & technology, 2011 - ACS Publications
During organic contaminant degradation in soil, bound or nonextractable residues (NER)
are formed. Part of these residues may be biogenic, because degrading microorganisms …

Microbial community composition affects soil organic carbon turnover in mineral soils

A Don, IH Böhme, AB Dohrmann, C Poeplau… - Biology and fertility of …, 2017 - Springer
Soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover is the most ubiquitous and ecologically fundamental
process in soils. It is generally assumed that SOC is utilised by functionally redundant soil …

Soil sterilization effects on root growth and formation of rhizosheaths in wheat seedlings

T Mahmood, S Mehnaz, F Fleischmann, R Ali… - Pedobiologia, 2014 - Elsevier
Sterilized soils are frequently used in experiments related to soil biology. Soil sterilization is
known to alter physicochemical characteristics of soil, plant growth and community structure …

Root environment is a key determinant of fungal entomopathogen endophytism following seed treatment in the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris

S Parsa, V Ortiz, MI Gómez-Jiménez, M Kramer… - Biological Control, 2018 - Elsevier
The common bean is the most important food legume in the world. We examined the
potential of the fungal entomopathogens Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae …