(Mis) aligned Investments:: In-Service ITA's Experience Within Their ITA Training Class

R Anderson - Journal of Comparative & International Higher …, 2023 - ojed.org
Despite their centrality to undergraduate teaching in US universities, few studies focus on
ITA's and their experiences within ITA training classes. Through a multiple case study of two …

Role of Teaching Assistants in Assisting EFL-TEFL Teacher Candidates

RJ McClung, R Nuyda, HIT Dinh - … Handbook of Ethics of Care in …, 2024 - torrossa.com
In 2019, prior to the start of the pandemic, two colleagues and the course lead began a
series of tandem learning projects (Liao, McClung and Barr 2021; McClung and Barr 2021) …

Investigating first-year student teachers' English (l2) academic writing proficiency and its impact on identity construction: A case of a South African university

DI Joseph - 2022 - uwcscholar.uwc.ac.za
This study focuses on first-year student teachers' academic writing proficiency in relation to
their identity construction. Specifically, it investigates first-year student teachers' English …

[CITATA][C] The Challenges of teaching English pronunciation in multicultural classroom: the voice of EFL teachers

DF Kamengko, N Beeh, I Ludji, AM Meha - Jurnal Edulanguage: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2024