We probably sense sense probabilities

D Filipović Đurđević, A Kostić - Language, Cognition and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we demonstrate the effects of Information Theory measures on the processing
of polysemous nouns and reveal that the sensitivity to multiple related senses can be …

Balance of meaning probabilities in processing of Serbian homonymy

D Filipović-Đurđević - Primenjena psihologija, 2019 - ceeol.com
The research deals with the set of Serbian homonymous nouns (nouns with multiple
unrelated meanings) presented in the nor-ming study and in the visual lexical decision task …

Vector based semantic analysis reveals absence of competition among related senses

D Filipović-Đurđević, Đ Đurđević, A Kostić - Psihologija, 2009 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Previous research demonstrated that processing time was facilitated by number of related
word senses (polysemy) and inhibited by number of unrelated word meanings (homonymy) …

The influence of the experimental context on lexical ambiguity effects

K Mišić, DF Đurđević - Teme, 2022 - ceeol.com
revious research with the visual lexical decision task demonstrated that polysemous words
(multiple related senses) have a processing advantage when compared to unambiguous …

An open database of senses for Serbian polysemous nouns, verbs, and adjectives

K Mišić, S Anđelić, L Ilić, D Osmani… - Studies in language …, 2024 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
The goal of this study was twofold. On the one hand, we aimed to obtain the number of
senses estimations for polysemous nouns, verbs, and adjectives, as well as frequencies of …

[PDF][PDF] Uticaj povezanosti značenja višeznačnih reči na njihovo pamćenje

M Manojlović, M Gorkog, K Mišić - esveske.github.io
Višeznačnost reči je jedna od najrasprostranjenijih pojava u jeziku. Prema povezanosti
značenja jedan tip višeznačnosti su polisemične reči, tj. reči koje imaju više povezanih …


DF Đurđević, Đ Đurđević, A Kostić - Psihologija, 2009 - ceeol.com
Previous research demonstrated that processing time was facilitated by number of related
word senses (polysemy) and inhibited by number of unrelated word meanings (homonymy) …

Uticaj gramatičkog konteksta na obradu promenljivih reči u srpskom jeziku

NS Radivojević - 2014 - search.proquest.com
Jezici sa razvijenom infleksionom morfologijom odlikuju se kongruencijom različitih vrsta reči
Page 1 UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU Filozofski fakultet Natalija S. Radivojević UTICAJ …

Vektorski zasnovana semantička analiza polisemičnih reči

D Filipović Đurđević, Đ Đurđević, A Kostić - Psihologija, 2009 - reff.f.bg.ac.rs
Ranija istraživanja pokazala su da je porast u broju povezanih značenja (polisemija) praćen
kraćim vremenom obrade reči, dok je porast u broju nepovezanih značenja (homonimija) …