A trans-Atlantic perspective on successful plantation establishment in boreal ecosystems: lessons learned and research opportunities
Boreal forests, which account for one-third of the world's forested areas, play a crucial role in
global climate regulation and provide significant ecological, economic, and cultural benefits …
global climate regulation and provide significant ecological, economic, and cultural benefits …
[HTML][HTML] Tracking ecosystem stability across boreal Siberia
Forests around the world are under immense pressure from human land use and climate
change. Old-growth and primary forests have been degraded in recent decades, yet are …
change. Old-growth and primary forests have been degraded in recent decades, yet are …
[HTML][HTML] Deadwood enrichment in Fennoscandian spruce forests–New results from the EVO experiment
In Fennoscandian forests, evidence on the effects of variable tree retention, prescribed
burning and deadwood creation on deadwood quantity and quality is still scarce. We studied …
burning and deadwood creation on deadwood quantity and quality is still scarce. We studied …
[HTML][HTML] Mixed stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack (Larix laricina) offer high secondary growth in eastern boreal forests of Canada
The Canadian boreal forest is still lacking investigation into compatible species mixtures that
can lead to higher growth rates than monospecific or pure stands. The effect of species …
can lead to higher growth rates than monospecific or pure stands. The effect of species …
[HTML][HTML] “Old” is not precise enough: Airborne laser scanning reveals age-related structural diversity within old-growth forests
Old-growth forests of different ages provide specific structures, habitats and ecosystem
services. Methods to distinguish this internal diversity are still rare, especially in boreal …
services. Methods to distinguish this internal diversity are still rare, especially in boreal …
Irregular forest structures originating after fire: An opportunity to promote alternatives to even‐aged management in boreal forests
Even‐aged silviculture based on short‐rotation clearcuts had severely altered boreal forests.
Silvicultural alternatives (eg continuous cover or retention forestry) have the potential to …
Silvicultural alternatives (eg continuous cover or retention forestry) have the potential to …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating the Effectiveness of Forest Conservation as a CO2 Offset Measure for Urban Development: A Case Study
M Jarvelainen - Forest Ecology and Management, 2023 - helda.helsinki.fi
Urban development can generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions through
deforestation and land-use change. This underscores the urgency for effective climate …
deforestation and land-use change. This underscores the urgency for effective climate …
[HTML][HTML] Complementary airborne LiDAR and satellite indices are reliable predictors of disturbance-induced structural diversity in mixed old-growth forest landscapes
In old-growth forests, natural disturbances form a complex mosaic of structures, providing a
wide diversity of habitats and functions of great importance. Old-growth forests are still often …
wide diversity of habitats and functions of great importance. Old-growth forests are still often …
Tree-volume and forest age increase bat species diversity in boreal urban landscape
Context Given the rate at which humankind is changing habitats, it is essential to understand
its impact on the surrounding nature and biota. The intensification of human activities and …
its impact on the surrounding nature and biota. The intensification of human activities and …
Biodiversity conservation in Canada: from theory to practice
RR Schneider - 2023 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Conservation is often portrayed as an applied science—a corpus of knowledge about how
ecological systems function, how they are threatened, and how they can be maintained …
ecological systems function, how they are threatened, and how they can be maintained …