The role of self-efficacy, entrepreneurial passion, and creativity in develo** entrepreneurial intentions

MN Ferreira-Neto, JL de Carvalho Castro… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Although studies aimed at understanding entrepreneurship have analyzed passion,
creativity, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, few studies include these antecedents in the …

Responding to unexpected crises: The roles of slack resources and entrepreneurial attitude to build resilience

E Conz, G Magnani, A Zucchella… - Small Business Economics, 2023 - Springer
This study explores how entrepreneurial firms responded to-and displayed resilience in-
co** with the uncertainty generated by an unexpected crisis. We examine how …

[HTML][HTML] Personal traits and digital entrepreneurship: a mediation model using SmartPLS data analysis

AEE Sobaih, IA Elshaer - Mathematics, 2022 -
Technological advancements have created a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs to
develop and extend their business operations. Hence, internet has promoted to the …

The role of university environment in promoting entrepreneurial behavior: evidence from heterogeneous regions in Brazil

AKL Rocha, GHSM Moraes, B Fischer - Innovation & Management …, 2022 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the microfoundations of student
entrepreneurship, a cornerstone of innovation ecosystems. To this end, this paper assesses …

The mediating role of planned behaviour in the religiosity and nascent entrepreneurship nexus

AKE Onjewu, P Anosike, ES Godwin - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose Increasingly, there is scholarly recognition that individuals' faith constitutes a
background factor much like other antecedents conditioning entrepreneurial inclination. Yet …

The relationship between creativity, entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial intention (case study on the students of State Polytechnic Malang)

A Kusmintarti, A Asdani… - International Journal of …, 2017 -
Governments constantly seek to change the student mindset from job seeker to job creator,
which is also the aspiration of universities and other higher educational institutions …

Gender differences in the relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial intention: a conditional process model of entrepreneurship and gender

H Kong, S Choo - Sage Open, 2022 -
This study focused on the roles of entrepreneurship and gender in the relationship between
achievement motivation and entrepreneurial intention. Specifically, we tested a moderating …

[HTML][HTML] Adoption of sustainable agriculture practices in banana farm production: A study from the Sindh Region of Pakistan

R Waseem, GE Mwalupaso, F Waseem… - International Journal of …, 2020 -
The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of socioeconomic and psychosocial
factors in the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) in banana farm …

Pendidikan kewirausahaan dan intensi kewirausahaan dengan sikap kewirausahaan sebagai mediasi

A Kusmintarti, NI Riwajanti… - Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi …, 2017 -
This study aimed to analyze the entrepreneurial attitude as a mediator of the effects of
entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention. The population was final semester …