On correlation effects in electron spectroscopies and the GW approximation

L Hedin - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1999 - iopscience.iop.org
The GW approximation (GWA) extends the well-known Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA)
for the self-energy (exchange potential), by replacing the bare Coulomb potential v by the …

Density functional theory and the band gap problem

JP Perdew - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 1985 - Wiley Online Library
How can the fundamental band gap of an insulator be predicted? As a difference of ground‐
state energies, the fundamental gap seems to fall within the reach of density functional …

Materials modification by electronic excitation

N Itoh, AM Stoneham - Radiation effects and defects in solids, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Excitonic mechanisms of defect formation and of sputtering from surfaces, induced as a
consequence of exciton relaxation, are effective in a limited class of wide-gap materials …

Energy Bands for KNi, SrTi, KMo, and KTa

LF Mattheiss - Physical Review B, 1972 - APS
The nonrelativistic augmented-plane-wave (APW) method has been applied to calculate the
electronic band structures for several cubic perovskite-type compounds, including KNi F 3 …

Charge transfer transitions in solid tetracene and pentacene studied by electroabsorption

L Sebastian, G Weiser, H Bässler - Chemical Physics, 1981 - Elsevier
Electric field modulated absorption spectra of vapor deposited layers of tetracene and
pentacene indicate existence of charge transfer transitions. In tetracene the transitions from …

[КНИГА][B] Organic molecular crystals: their electronic states

EA Silinsh - 2012 - books.google.com
This book is based on the results of many years of experimental work by the author and his
colleagues, dealing with the electronic properties of organic crystals. E. Silinsh has played a …

Electroabsorption in semiconductors: the excitonic absorption edge

JD Dow, D Redfield - Physical Review B, 1970 - APS
Numerical calculations of the optical-absorption coefficient for direct, excitonic transitions in
a uniform applied electric field are presented. The electron-hole scattering is treated within …

Electronic band structure of the alkali halides. I. Experimental parameters

RT Poole, JG Jenkin, J Liesegang, RCG Leckey - Physical Review B, 1975 - APS
Experimental work on the electron energy-band structures of the alkali halides is reviewed in
order to obtain a set of basic parameters (band gap E g, threshold energy E t, and electron …

Small polarons in real crystals: concepts and problems

AL Shluger, AM Stoneham - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 1993 - iopscience.iop.org
Much of small polaron theory is based on highly idealized models, often essentially a
continuum description with a single vibrational frequency. These models ignore much of the …

Theoretical study of lithium intercalation in rutile and anatase

A Stashans, S Lunell, R Bergström, A Hagfeldt… - Physical Review B, 1996 - APS
Motivated by recent developments concerning coloration and energy storage in lithium
intercalated nanostructural TiO 2, quantum chemical Hartree-Fock calculations have been …