[HTML][HTML] Lycopene: A critical review of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion
Lycopene is a non-provitamin A carotenoid that exhibits several health benefits.
Epidemiological data support a correlation between lycopene intake and the attenuation of …
Epidemiological data support a correlation between lycopene intake and the attenuation of …
Hybrid drying of food and bioproducts: A review
Drying plays a critical role in processing of various food and bioproducts as significant
amount of moisture need to be removed for further processing. The rate of moisture removal …
amount of moisture need to be removed for further processing. The rate of moisture removal …
CFD modeling and evaluation the performance of a solar cabinet dryer equipped with evacuated tube solar collector and thermal storage system
M Iranmanesh, HS Akhijahani, MSB Jahromi - Renewable Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the performance of a solar cabinet drying system equipped with a
heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector (ETSC) and thermal storage system with …
heat pipe evacuated tube solar collector (ETSC) and thermal storage system with …
The comparison of drying and rehydration characteristics of intermittent-microwave and hot-air dried-apple slices
The influence of intermittent-microwave drying and hot-air drying on drying characteristics
and rehydration properties of apple slices were compared. Microwave powers have crucially …
and rehydration properties of apple slices were compared. Microwave powers have crucially …
[HTML][HTML] Effect mechanism of different drying methods on the quality and browning for daylily
Q Chu, L Li, X Duan, M Zhao, Z Wang, Z Wang, X Ren… - Lwt, 2023 - Elsevier
The influence of various drying methods, namely hot-air drying (HAD), heat pump drying
(HPD), freeze-drying (FD), and microwave freeze drying (MFD), on the structural …
(HPD), freeze-drying (FD), and microwave freeze drying (MFD), on the structural …
Accelerating drying process of tomato slices in a PV-assisted solar dryer using a sun tracking system
This study was aimed to examine the effect of sun tracking system on the solar drying
kinetics of biological materials. A lab-scale PV-assisted solar drying system equipped with a …
kinetics of biological materials. A lab-scale PV-assisted solar drying system equipped with a …
Review of recent applications and research progress in hybrid and combined microwave-assisted drying of food products: Quality properties
The growing concerns over product quality have increased demand for high quality dried
food products and encouraged researchers to explore and producers of such products to …
food products and encouraged researchers to explore and producers of such products to …
Thermal analysis of PV system and solar collector integrated with greenhouse dryer for drying tomatoes
This work aims to develop a standalone hybrid solar greenhouse dryer (GD) integrated with
a PV system and solar collector for smallholder processors of tomatoes postharvest …
a PV system and solar collector for smallholder processors of tomatoes postharvest …
Drying of tomatoes and tomato processing waste: a critical review of the quality aspects
Tomatoes are a valuable highly perishable agricultural product that are dried on a large
scale for extending shelf life. The drying of both tomatoes and tomato processing waste can …
scale for extending shelf life. The drying of both tomatoes and tomato processing waste can …
Recent applications of heat pump dryer for drying of fruit crops: A review
F Salehi - International Journal of Fruit Science, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Heat pump (HP) dryers have been used as one of the useful and promising drying
techniques in food industries owing to their low energy consumption and costs, high …
techniques in food industries owing to their low energy consumption and costs, high …