[HTML][HTML] Mechanical properties of ignimbrites of Tenerife Island employed as building stone and their correlation with some physical properties

JA Valido, JM Cáceres, L Sousa - Journal of Building Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
The aim of this research work was to determine and analyse the mechanical properties of a
group of four varieties of ignimbrites, which are differentiated according to their colour …

Conservation of building materials of historic monuments using a hybrid formulation

C Salazar-Hernández, J Cervantes… - Journal of cultural …, 2015 - Elsevier
Green volcanic tuff has been used in the construction of very important historic buildings in
the city of Guanajuato, Mexico, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage city since 1988. The …

[PDF][PDF] Eye tracking in urban visual environment

AA Krupina, VV Bespalov, EY Kovaleva… - Stroitel'stvo Unikal' …, 2017 - unistroy.spbstu.ru
Visual environment pollution increasing along with urbanism. For the first time VA Filin
provides an explanation of the link between this problem and visual deterioration, mental …

[HTML][HTML] An Approach to the Use of Glycol Alkoxysilane–Polysaccharide Hybrids in the Conservation of Historical Building Stones

M Meléndez-Zamudio, I Bravo-Flores, E Ramírez-Oliva… - Molecules, 2021 - mdpi.com
Stone consolidants have been widely used to protect historical monuments. Consolidants
and hydrophobic formulations based on the use of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and …

Study of the distribution of heavy metals in the atmosphere of the Guanajuato city: use of saxicolous lichen species as bioindicators

MJ Puy-Alquiza, R Miranda-Aviles, GA Zanor… - Ingeniería …, 2017 - scielo.org.mx
The atmospheric deposition of some heavy metals was investigated using saxicolous lichen
species (Xanthoparmelia mexicana (Gyeln.) Hale, Xanthoparmelia tasmanica (Hook. f. & …

[HTML][HTML] Berriasian-early Valanginian calcareous shallow-water facies from the Arperos Basin: A proposal from the foraminiferal assemblage of the clasts of the …

L Omaña, R Miranda-Avilés… - Boletín de la Sociedad …, 2015 - scielo.org.mx
Abstract The Eocene Guanajuato Conglomerate is composed of clasts derived from igneous
and metasedimentary sources that can be related to the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous …

[HTML][HTML] Geochemistry and depositional environment of the Losero Formation in the Mesa Central, México

MJ Puy-Alquiza, R Miranda-Aviles… - Boletín de la Sociedad …, 2014 - scielo.org.mx
The Losero Formation is exposed in the Guanajuato Mining District, conformably overlying
the Guanajuato conglomerate. Most of the up-to-date studies of the Losero Formation have …

The role of lichen communities in superficial deterioration of their rock substrates: studies of the lichen-rock interface of two historical buildings in the city of Guanajuato …

MJ Puy-Alquiza, M Gómez Peralta… - Acta …, 2015 - scielo.org.mx
PUY-ALQUIZA, María Jesús et al. The role of lichen communities in superficial deterioration
of their rock substrates: studies of the lichen-rock interface of two historical buildings in the …

Eye tracking в городской визуальной среде

АА Крупина, ВВ Беспалов, ЕЮ Ковалева… - … уникальных зданий и …, 2017 - elibrary.ru
Экология городской среды на сегодняшний день является областью внимания не
только ученых, но и всего общества в целом. Однако, рассматриваются в основном …

[HTML][HTML] El rol de las comunidades de líquenes en el deterioro superficial de su substrato rocoso: estudio de la interfase liquen-roca en dos monumentos históricos de …

MJ Puy-Alquiza, M Gómez Peralta… - Acta …, 2015 - scielo.org.mx
En este trabajo se analizan los procesos de deterioro que ejercen las comunidades de
líquenes en las areniscas silíceas de dos monumentos del siglo XIX y XX de la ciudad de …