Moving towards sustainable nanoengineered building materials with less energy consumption
Nanomaterials (NMs) use in building materials (BMs) has still not been widely explored,
despite its boundless potential in develo** novel, smart, eco-efficient and high …
despite its boundless potential in develo** novel, smart, eco-efficient and high …
Impacts of asphaltene deposition on oil recovery following a waterflood–a numerical simulation study
The Eclipse simulation model is used in this work to forecast the likelihood of asphaltene
deposition near oil wellbore during the waterflooding recovery procedure. Using the default …
deposition near oil wellbore during the waterflooding recovery procedure. Using the default …
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Nano-Silica Solutions in Narrow Flow Paths Applied to Sealing Cement Cracks
A cement crack is a typical cause of oil and gas well failure. Cracks weaken cement,
reducing zonal isolation and fluid leakage. Nanoparticle (NP) gels are being tested for …
reducing zonal isolation and fluid leakage. Nanoparticle (NP) gels are being tested for …
Using a Catenary Trajectory to Reduce Wellbore Friction in Horizontal Extended Reach Drilling
Wellbore friction is one of the biggest concerns when drilling due to its relation to the total
cost. The catenary concept was introduced to reduce wellbore friction, but it requires …
cost. The catenary concept was introduced to reduce wellbore friction, but it requires …
Formation Sampling Optimization Using Borehole Images and Acoustic Data in Tight Gas Sand Reservoir
In this paper, we present an integrated workflow designed to characterize the natural
fracture systems and to optimize fluid sampling in a very complex and heterogeneous …
fracture systems and to optimize fluid sampling in a very complex and heterogeneous …
[PDF][PDF] AI Zarooni M, Olayiwola O, Nguyen Vu, Boukadi F. Impacts of Asphaltene Deposition on Oil Recovery Following a Water flood-A Numerical Simulation Study
M Carrera - J Petro Chem Eng, 2024 - urfjournals.org
One of the challenges in extracting oil from unconventional resources is the low primary
recovery rate, which is caused by the ultra-small permeability. Investigating gas injection …
recovery rate, which is caused by the ultra-small permeability. Investigating gas injection …
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Nano-Silica Solutions in Narrow Flow Paths Applied to Sealing Cement Cracksexperimental and Theoretical Studies of Nano …
A cement crack is a typical cause of oil and gas well failure. Cracks weaken cement,
reducing zonal isolation and fluid leakage. Nanoparticle (NP) gels are being tested for …
reducing zonal isolation and fluid leakage. Nanoparticle (NP) gels are being tested for …