Exploring the determinants of adoption behaviour of clean technologies in agriculture: a case of integrated pest management

H Veisi - Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The main purpose of the study was to determine the factors affecting the adoption of
integrated pest management (IPM) as a clean technology in the rice-crop** systems of …

Prospective voluntary agreements for esca** techno-institutional lock-in

T Könnölä, GC Unruh, J Carrillo-Hermosilla - Ecological Economics, 2006 - Elsevier
The paper looks for evolutionary policy responses to techno-institutional lock-in, a persistent
state that creates systemic market and policy barriers to technological alternatives. We …

Sustainability foresight: reflexive governance in the transformation of utility systems

JP Voß, B Truffer, K Konrad - Reflexive governance for sustainable …, 2006 - elgaronline.com
Utility systems play a key role in a broader project of transforming industrial society for
sustainable development. At the same time, these sectors are particularly resistant to …

Strategies for sustainable policy design: Constructive assessment of biodiversity offsets and banking

C Mann - Ecosystem Services, 2015 - Elsevier
To successfully shape future policies and new forms of governance for biodiversity
conservation and ecosystem services, careful assessment is needed at an early stage of …

Business process design: Towards service-based green information systems

B Pernici, D Ardagna, C Cappiello - E-Government Ict Professionalism and …, 2008 - Springer
This paper discusses the impact of energy consumption on information systems and
business processes design. The goal is the development of contextaware and sustainable …

[PDF][PDF] Clean production strategies adoption: a survey on food and beverage manufacturing sector

R Abidin, CS Abdullah, WN Osman - Communications of the IBIMA, 2010 - academia.edu
Clean production strategies are the continuous application of an integrated, preventive
environmental strategies applied to process, products and services to increase overall …

[PDF][PDF] Gestaltung von Systemtransformation in der netzgebunden Versorgung-Strategien für die Innovationsfelder Mikro-KWK, Smart Building und Netzregulierung

JP Voß, D Bauknecht, K Konrad… - … im Rahmen des …, 2006 - bhkw-infozentrum.de
Die netzgebundene Versorgung befindet sich in einem Transformationsprozess. Dieser
beinhaltet fundamentale Veränderungen, die die technischen, institutionellen und …

[PDF][PDF] Green Technology Foresight about environmentally friendly products and materials

MS Jørgensen, MM Andersen, A Hansen… - … /87-7052-216-2/pdf/87 …, 2006 - academia.edu
T he focus of this green foresight project is the future environmental challenges and possible
environmentally related competitive advantages related to the three generic technologies (or …

[PDF][PDF] Sustainability Foresight für Versorgungssysteme

JP Voß, B Truffer, K Konrad - 2005 - depositonce.tu-berlin.de
Nachhaltige Entwicklung erfordert Transformationen in Produktion, Konsum und Politik, um
wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten mit ökologischen und sozialen Grenzen in Einklang zu bringen …

Challenging futures–concepts for engaging with dynamics of policy instrument design

C Mann, JP Voß - Transdisciplinary Research and Sustainability, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The foresight approach, as used in business planning and technological innovation, can
also be applied to the design of policy instruments. This chapter presents conceptual ideas …