AI-driven design platform

AA Dubey, ME Hamilton, M Mehta… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
Implementations of the present disclosure include generat ing, by a design generation
assistant, a design image repre senting a design subject, the design subject having one or …

Method and system for scene image modification

B Pugh, A Dorbie, S Jiddi, Q Dai, P Gauthier… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
2021-02-18 Assigned to Geomagical Labs, Inc. reassignment Geomagical Labs, Inc.

Hierarchical scale matching and patch estimation for image style transfer with arbitrary resolution

C Fang, Z Lin, Z Wang, Y Zhang, Y Wang… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
GO6T 7/40(2017.01) G06T 5/50(2006.01) G06T 340(2006.01) G06T 7/11(2017.01) G06T
11/00(2006.01) G06T 3/00(2006.01)(52) US CI. CPC G06T 5/50 (2013.01); G06T 3/0012 …

Designing a 3D modeled object via user-interaction

E Mehr - US Patent 11,556,678, 2023 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A computer-implemented method for designing a 3D modeled object via
user-interaction. The method includes obtaining the 3D modeled object and a machine …

Multi-dimensional model merge for style transfer

K Abhinav, SM Kuriakose, AA Dubey - US Patent 11,704,802, 2023 - Google Patents
2020-11-25 Assigned to ACCENTURE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LIMITED reassignment

Content generation using target content derived modeling and unsupervised language modeling

A De Ridder - US Patent 11,423,234, 2022 - Google Patents
Content generation leverages an unsupervised, generative pre-trained language model (eg,
a generative-AI). In this approach, a model derived by applying to given content relevant …

Monitoring and analyzing risk data and risk dispositions

TC Kennell, DK Moore, LC Faircloth… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
This disclosure describes techniques for analyzing opera tional data and applying one or
more rule sets to identify issues and/or to determine whether action should be taken to …

Using convolutional neural network style transfer to automate graphic design creation

KR Kubendran - US Patent 11,145,042, 2021 - Google Patents
Primary Examiner Xuemei G Chen (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Mueting Raasch Group
(57) ABSTRACT A silhouette image and a style image are input to a convo lutional neural …

Machine-learning based generation of text style variations for digital content items

J Lundin, OW Schoppe, X Han, MR Sollami… - US Patent …, 2023 - Google Patents
An online system generates a set of content item variations for a reference content item that
include different styles of text for the content item. The different styles of text are generated …

Intelligent design platform using industrialized experience in product designs

ES Liongosari, DW Vinson - US Patent 11,455,552, 2022 - Google Patents
Implementations for include providing one or more product designs using an intelligent
design platform receiving a product indicator that indicates a product that is to be designed …