Advances in space quantum communications
Concerted efforts are underway to establish an infrastructure for a global quantum Internet to
realise a spectrum of quantum technologies. This will enable more precise sensors, secure …
realise a spectrum of quantum technologies. This will enable more precise sensors, secure …
Quantum sensing for particle physics
Quantum sensing uses properties of quantum mechanics to go beyond what is possible with
traditional measurement techniques. In particle physics, key problems in which quantum …
traditional measurement techniques. In particle physics, key problems in which quantum …
New horizons: Scalar and vector ultralight dark matter
The last decade has seen unprecedented effort in dark matter model building at all mass
scales coupled with the design of numerous new detection strategies. Transformative …
scales coupled with the design of numerous new detection strategies. Transformative …
Search for topological defect dark matter with a global network of optical magnetometers
Ultralight bosons such as axion-like particles are viable candidates for dark matter. They can
form stable, macroscopic field configurations in the form of topological defects that could …
form stable, macroscopic field configurations in the form of topological defects that could …
The phenomenology of quadratically coupled ultra light dark matter
A bstract We discuss models of ultralight scalar Dark Matter (DM) with linear and quadratic
couplings to the Standard Model (SM). In addition to studying the phenomenology of linear …
couplings to the Standard Model (SM). In addition to studying the phenomenology of linear …
Search for axion-like dark matter with spin-based amplifiers
Ultralight axion-like particles are well-motivated dark matter candidates introduced by
theories beyond the standard model of particle physics. However, directly constraining their …
theories beyond the standard model of particle physics. However, directly constraining their …
Fundamental physics with a state-of-the-art optical clock in space
Recent advances in optical atomic clocks and optical time transfer have enabled new
possibilities in precision metrology for both tests of fundamental physics and timing …
possibilities in precision metrology for both tests of fundamental physics and timing …
Probing fundamental physics with spin-based quantum sensors
The applications of spin-based quantum sensors to measurements probing fundamental
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …
Direct detection of ultralight dark matter bound to the Sun with space quantum sensors
Recent advances in quantum sensors, including atomic clocks, enable searches for a broad
range of dark matter candidates. The question of the dark matter distribution in the Solar …
range of dark matter candidates. The question of the dark matter distribution in the Solar …
What can a GNOME do? Search targets for the global network of optical magnetometers for exotic physics searches
Numerous observations suggest that there exist undiscovered beyond‐the‐standard‐model
particles and fields. Because of their unknown nature, these exotic particles and fields could …
particles and fields. Because of their unknown nature, these exotic particles and fields could …