The effects of continuous integration on software development: a systematic literature review
Context Continuous integration (CI) is a software engineering technique that proclaims
frequent activities to assure the software product health. Researchers and practitioners …
frequent activities to assure the software product health. Researchers and practitioners …
Towards effective assessment of steady state performance in Java software: Are we there yet?
Microbenchmarking is a widely used form of performance testing in Java software. A
microbenchmark repeatedly executes a small chunk of code while collecting measurements …
microbenchmark repeatedly executes a small chunk of code while collecting measurements …
The impact of continuous integration on other software development practices: a large-scale empirical study
Continuous Integration (CI) has become a disruptive innovation in software development:
with proper tool support and adoption, positive effects have been demonstrated for pull …
with proper tool support and adoption, positive effects have been demonstrated for pull …
On the usage, co-usage and migration of CI/CD tools: A qualitative analysis
Continuous integration, delivery and deployment (CI/CD) is used to support the collaborative
software development process. CI/CD tools automate a wide range of activities in the …
software development process. CI/CD tools automate a wide range of activities in the …
“Leagile” software development: An experience report analysis of the application of lean approaches in agile software development
In recent years there has been a noticeable shift in attention from those who use agile
software development toward lean software development, often labelled as a shift “from …
software development toward lean software development, often labelled as a shift “from …
Improving the prediction of continuous integration build failures using deep learning
Continuous Integration (CI) aims at supporting developers in integrating code changes
constantly and quickly through an automated build process. However, the build process is …
constantly and quickly through an automated build process. However, the build process is …
CI/CD pipelines evolution and restructuring: A qualitative and quantitative study
Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines entail the build process automation
on dedicated machines, and have been demonstrated to produce several advantages …
on dedicated machines, and have been demonstrated to produce several advantages …
Are static analysis violations really fixed? a closer look at realistic usage of sonarqube
The use of automatic static analysis tools (ASATs) has gained increasing attention in the last
few years. Even though available research have already explored ASATs issues and how …
few years. Even though available research have already explored ASATs issues and how …
An empirical study of the long duration of continuous integration builds
Continuous Integration (CI) is a set of software development practices that allow software
development teams to generate software builds more quickly and periodically (eg, daily or …
development teams to generate software builds more quickly and periodically (eg, daily or …
A cost-efficient approach to building in continuous integration
Continuous integration (CI) is a widely used practice in modern software engineering.
Unfortunately, it is also an expensive practice---Google and Mozilla estimate their CI …
Unfortunately, it is also an expensive practice---Google and Mozilla estimate their CI …