[PDF][PDF] Lie algebras of a class of top spaces.
MR Molaei, MR Farhangdoost - Balkan Journal of Geometry and its …, 2009 - eudml.org
Lie.. algebras.. of a class.. of top.. spaces M period R period Molaei and M period R period
Farhangdoost Abstract period In this paper 1 hyphen dimensional and 2 hyphen …
Farhangdoost Abstract period In this paper 1 hyphen dimensional and 2 hyphen …
[PDF][PDF] On completely simple semigroups
F Fatehi, MR Molaei - Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae …, 2012 - emis.de
In this paper completely simple semigroups or generalized groups are considered. We
characterize generalized groups which are normal generalized groups. Homomorphisms of …
characterize generalized groups which are normal generalized groups. Homomorphisms of …
[PDF][PDF] Left invariant vector fields of a class of top spaces
N Ebrahimi - Appl. Sci, 2012 - Citeseer
The notion of top space as a generalization of Lie group is defined in [1] and the case with
finite number of identities was studied in [2, 3, 4]. In this paper we investigate top spaces …
finite number of identities was studied in [2, 3, 4]. In this paper we investigate top spaces …
In this paper, using generalized groups and their generalized actions, we define and study
the notion of $ T $-spaces. We study properties of the quotient space of a $ T $-space and …
the notion of $ T $-spaces. We study properties of the quotient space of a $ T $-space and …
[PDF][PDF] Fiber bundles and Lie algebras of top spaces
MR FARHANGDOOST - 2013 - sid.ir
In this paper, by using the Frobenius theorem a relation between Lie subalgebras of the LIE
ALGEBRA of a TOP SPACE T and Lie subgroups of T (as a LIE GROUP) is determined. As a …
ALGEBRA of a TOP SPACE T and Lie subgroups of T (as a LIE GROUP) is determined. As a …
[PDF][PDF] Action of generalized Lie groups on manifolds
MR Farhangdoost - Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 2011 - emis.icm.edu.pl
In this paper by definition of generalized action of generalized Lie groups (top spaces) on a
manifold, the concept of stabilizer of the top spaces is introduced. We show that the stabilizer …
manifold, the concept of stabilizer of the top spaces is introduced. We show that the stabilizer …
A regular Lie group action yield smooth sections of the tangent bundle and relatedness of vector fields, diffeomorphisms
C Badiger, T Venkatesh - Bulletin of the Transilvania University of …, 2021 - webbut.unitbv.ro
In this paper, we have concentrated on a group action on the tangent bundle of some
smooth/differentiable manifolds which has been built from a regular Lie group action on …
smooth/differentiable manifolds which has been built from a regular Lie group action on …
Metrizable and 2-metrizable topological spaces
MR Farhangdoost - Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper we introduce (∈− 2)-ball centered at each point in 2-metric topological space
(X, d). Theorems on the normal, regular and Hausdorff topological spaces in 2-metrizable …
(X, d). Theorems on the normal, regular and Hausdorff topological spaces in 2-metrizable …
[PDF][PDF] Exponential map of a class of top spaces
N Ebrahimi - Mahani Math. Res. Cen, 2012 - academia.edu
In this paper we wish to investigate right top spaces [1]. It is proved that if T is a right Rees
matrix with the Lie algebra τ then (a) given a Lie subalgebra h of τ there exists a sub top …
matrix with the Lie algebra τ then (a) given a Lie subalgebra h of τ there exists a sub top …
GM Rosyadi - … MURNI DAN TERAPAN (EPSILON: JOURNAL OF …, 2024 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
Ring is a study of algebraic structures, which is defined as a non-empty set containing two
binary operations. Regarding the first binary operation, the set is a group, and the second …
binary operations. Regarding the first binary operation, the set is a group, and the second …