Site response in a layered liquefiable deposit: evaluation of different numerical tools and methodologies with centrifuge experimental results
Results of a centrifuge experiment simulating seismic site response in a layered level
liquefiable soil profile are used to evaluate and systematically compare the predictive …
liquefiable soil profile are used to evaluate and systematically compare the predictive …
Evaluation of variation of permeability in liquefiable soil under earthquake loading
Liquefaction phenomenon is usually accompanied by large amounts of settlement owing to
disruption of soil structure. In addition to that, large settlement also occurs by a significant …
disruption of soil structure. In addition to that, large settlement also occurs by a significant …
Numerical simulation of building response on liquefiable sand
The effective design of earthquake-resistant structures and liquefaction mitigation
techniques requires an improved understanding of the development and consequences of …
techniques requires an improved understanding of the development and consequences of …
Dynamics of unsaturated poroelastic solids at finite strain
We derive the governing equations for the dynamic response of unsaturated poroelastic
solids at finite strain. We obtain simplified governing equations from the complete coupled …
solids at finite strain. We obtain simplified governing equations from the complete coupled …
Numerical modeling of soil liquefaction and lateral spreading using the SANISAND-Sf model in the LEAP experiments
Laboratory element and centrifuge tests from LEAP-UCD-2017 and LEAP-Asia-2019 were
used for model calibration and evaluation in a dynamic coupled analysis of a saturated and …
used for model calibration and evaluation in a dynamic coupled analysis of a saturated and …
Roles of pre-and post-liquefaction stages in dynamic system response of liquefiable sand retained by a sheet-pile wall
This study examines the dynamic system response of a liquefiable deposit retained by a
sheet-pile wall, with emphasis on the roles of pre-and post-liquefaction stages of soil …
sheet-pile wall, with emphasis on the roles of pre-and post-liquefaction stages of soil …
Dynamic behavior of pile foundations under cyclic loading in liquefiable soils
A Rahmani, A Pak - Computers and Geotechnics, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, a fully coupled three-dimensional dynamic analysis is carried out to investigate
the dynamic behavior of pile foundations in liquefied ground. A critical state bounding …
the dynamic behavior of pile foundations in liquefied ground. A critical state bounding …
Numerical simulation of fully saturated porous materials
Fully coupled, porous solid–fluid formulation, implementation and related modeling and
simulation issues are presented in this work. To this end, coupled dynamic field equations …
simulation issues are presented in this work. To this end, coupled dynamic field equations …
Estimating liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations by numerical approach
Occurrence of liquefaction in saturated sand deposits underlying foundation of structure can
cause a wide range of structural damages starting from minor settlement, and ending to …
cause a wide range of structural damages starting from minor settlement, and ending to …
A numerical model for non-linear coupled analysis of the seismic response of liquefiable soils
A simplified model to reproduce the pore pressure build-up until liquefaction under seismic
shear loads is implemented in a one-dimensional code for loosely coupled site response …
shear loads is implemented in a one-dimensional code for loosely coupled site response …