Vertebrate chromosome evolution
The study of chromosome evolution is undergoing a resurgence of interest owing to
advances in DNA sequencing technology that facilitate the production of chromosome-scale …
advances in DNA sequencing technology that facilitate the production of chromosome-scale …
Adaptation of mammals to hypoxia
F Li, Z Qiao, Q Duan, E Nevo - Animal Models and Experimental …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the metabolism and activities of mammals. However, oxygen
is restricted in some environments—subterranean burrow systems or habitats at high …
is restricted in some environments—subterranean burrow systems or habitats at high …
Complex histories of repeated gene flow in Cameroon crater lake cichlids cast doubt on one of the clearest examples of sympatric speciation
One of the most celebrated examples of sympatric speciation in nature are monophyletic
radiations of cichlid fishes endemic to Cameroon crater lakes. However, phylogenetic …
radiations of cichlid fishes endemic to Cameroon crater lakes. However, phylogenetic …
Models of speciation: where are we now?
S Gavrilets - Journal of heredity, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Theory building is an integral part of biological research, in general, and of speciation
research, in particular. Here, I review the modeling work on speciation done in the last 10 …
research, in particular. Here, I review the modeling work on speciation done in the last 10 …
Scattered differentiation of unlinked loci across the genome underlines ecological divergence of the selfing grass Brachypodium stacei
Ecological divergence without geographic isolation, as an early speciation process that may
lead finally to reproductive isolation through natural selection, remains a captivating topic in …
lead finally to reproductive isolation through natural selection, remains a captivating topic in …
Multi‐omics analysis reveals the mechanism underlying the edaphic adaptation in wild barley at evolution slope (tabigha)
S Cai, Q Shen, Y Huang, Z Han, D Wu… - Advanced …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract At the microsite “Evolution Slope”, Tabigha, Israel, wild barley (Hordeum
spontaneum) populations adapted to dry Terra Rossa soil, and its derivative abutting wild …
spontaneum) populations adapted to dry Terra Rossa soil, and its derivative abutting wild …
Speciation in sympatry with ongoing secondary gene flow and a potential olfactory trigger in a radiation of Cameroon cichlids
The process of sympatric speciation in nature remains a fundamental unsolved problem.
Cameroon crater lake cichlid radiations were long regarded as one of the most compelling …
Cameroon crater lake cichlid radiations were long regarded as one of the most compelling …
Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax
Sympatric speciation (SS), ie, speciation within a freely breeding population or in contiguous
populations, was first proposed by Darwin [Darwin C (1859) On the Origins of Species by …
populations, was first proposed by Darwin [Darwin C (1859) On the Origins of Species by …
Review of chromosome races in blind mole rats (Spalax and Nannospalax)
The blind mole rats (Spalacinae) reveal fascinating chromosomal variation, resulting from
complex karyotype re-arrangements. This variation occurs between species, between …
complex karyotype re-arrangements. This variation occurs between species, between …
Habitat and Burrow System Characteristics of the Blind Mole Rat Spalax galili in an Area of Supposed Sympatric Speciation
A costly search for food in subterranean rodents resulted in various adaptations improving
their foraging success under given ecological conditions. In Spalax ehrenbergi …
their foraging success under given ecological conditions. In Spalax ehrenbergi …