Plasmons in graphene: recent progress and applications
Owing to its excellent electrical, mechanical, thermal and optical properties, graphene has
attracted great interests since it was successfully exfoliated in 2004. Its two dimensional …
attracted great interests since it was successfully exfoliated in 2004. Its two dimensional …
[HTML][HTML] A review on the development of tunable graphene nanoantennas for terahertz optoelectronic and plasmonic applications
Exceptional advancement has been made in the development of graphene optical
nanoantennas. They are incorporated with optoelectronic devices for plasmonics application …
nanoantennas. They are incorporated with optoelectronic devices for plasmonics application …
[PDF][PDF] Graphene-empowered dynamic metasurfaces and metadevices
Metasurfaces, with extremely exotic capabilities to manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves,
have derived a plethora of advanced metadevices with intriguing functionalities …
have derived a plethora of advanced metadevices with intriguing functionalities …
Terahertz band: Next frontier for wireless communications
This paper provides an in-depth view of Terahertz Band (0.1–10 THz) communication, which
is envisioned as a key technology to satisfy the increasing demand for higher speed …
is envisioned as a key technology to satisfy the increasing demand for higher speed …
Realizing ultra-massive MIMO (1024× 1024) communication in the (0.06–10) terahertz band
The increasing demand for higher bandwidth and higher speed wireless communication
motivates the exploration of higher frequency bands. The Terahertz (THz) band (0.06–10 …
motivates the exploration of higher frequency bands. The Terahertz (THz) band (0.06–10 …
Terahertz band communication systems: Challenges, novelties and standardization efforts
Wireless data rates are expected to be around 10Gbps or even more within the upcoming
decade. The realization of such high data rates is unlikely with the currently licensed bands …
decade. The realization of such high data rates is unlikely with the currently licensed bands …
Sensing and nondestructive testing applications of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging systems: State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice
Terahertz (THz) technology has firmly established itself as an effective sensing and
nondestructive testing (NDT) technique for the detection of substances and physicochemical …
nondestructive testing (NDT) technique for the detection of substances and physicochemical …
Femtosecond-long pulse-based modulation for terahertz band communication in nanonetworks
Nanonetworks consist of nano-sized communicating devices which are able to perform
simple tasks at the nanoscale. Nanonetworks are the enabling technology of long-awaited …
simple tasks at the nanoscale. Nanonetworks are the enabling technology of long-awaited …
Graphene-based plasmonic switches at near infrared frequencies
The concept, analysis, and design of series switches for graphene-strip plasmonic
waveguides at near infrared frequencies are presented. Switching is achieved by using …
waveguides at near infrared frequencies are presented. Switching is achieved by using …
The evolution of applications, hardware design, and channel modeling for terahertz (THz) band communications and sensing: Ready for 6G?
For decades, the terahertz (THz) frequency band had been primarily explored in the context
of radar, imaging, and spectroscopy, where multi-gigahertz (GHz) and even THz-wide …
of radar, imaging, and spectroscopy, where multi-gigahertz (GHz) and even THz-wide …