Public perceptions of and responses to new energy technologies

HS Boudet - nature energy, 2019 -
Energy's central place in economic, political and social systems—and the broad impacts that
energy choices have on the natural world and public health—mean that new technologies …

Energy infrastructure, NIMBYism, and public opinion: a systematic literature review of three decades of empirical survey literature

S Carley, DM Konisky, Z Atiq… - Environmental Research …, 2020 -
Public support is a key determinant of whether any energy project is developed in
democratic countries. In recent decades, scholars have extensively examined levels of …

Anti-fossil fuel norms

F Green - Climatic Change, 2018 - Springer
Historically, climate governance initiatives and associated scholarship have all but ignored
the potential for “global moral norms” to bring about changes in the political conditions for …

Waste to energy incineration technology: Recent development under climate change scenarios

MS Khan, I Mubeen, Y Caimeng… - Waste Management …, 2022 -
With the huge generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), proper management and disposal
of MSW is a worldwide challenge for sustainable development of cities and high quality of …

How geographic distance and political ideology interact to influence public perception of unconventional oil/natural gas development

CE Clarke, D Bugden, PS Hart, RC Stedman… - Energy Policy, 2016 - Elsevier
A growing area of research has addressed public perception of unconventional oil and
natural gas development via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). We extend this research by …

The effect of industry activities on public support for 'fracking'

H Boudet, D Bugden, C Zanocco… - Environmental …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Research suggests that previous, current, and prospective extractive industry activities
influence perceptions of new development. Studies that have drawn this conclusion …

Whose backyard and what's at issue? Spatial and ideological dynamics of local opposition to fracking in New York State, 2010 to 2013

FA Dokshin - American Sociological Review, 2016 -
What drives local decisions to prohibit industrial land uses? This study examines the
passage of municipal ordinances prohibiting gas development using hydraulic fracturing …

Does the “NIMBY syndrome” undermine public support for nuclear power in Japan?

A Uji, A Prakash, J Song - Energy Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
A key obstacle to nuclear energy as a decarbonization policy is the public perception of risks
of radiation leaks from reactors. In particular, the “not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)" syndrome …

Please in my backyard: Quiet mobilization in support of fracking in an Appalachian community

C Jerolmack, ET Walker - American Journal of Sociology, 2018 -
Environmental justice and social movements scholarship demonstrates how not-in-my-
backyard activism by more privileged communities leaves the disadvantaged with “locally …

People and power: Expanding the role and scale of public engagement in energy transitions

JH Armstrong - Energy Research & Social Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Given the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy transitions are among
the most important STS research areas. Evidence increasingly points to social movements …