Public perceptions of and responses to new energy technologies
HS Boudet - nature energy, 2019 - nature.com
Energy's central place in economic, political and social systems—and the broad impacts that
energy choices have on the natural world and public health—mean that new technologies …
energy choices have on the natural world and public health—mean that new technologies …
Energy infrastructure, NIMBYism, and public opinion: a systematic literature review of three decades of empirical survey literature
Public support is a key determinant of whether any energy project is developed in
democratic countries. In recent decades, scholars have extensively examined levels of …
democratic countries. In recent decades, scholars have extensively examined levels of …
Anti-fossil fuel norms
F Green - Climatic Change, 2018 - Springer
Historically, climate governance initiatives and associated scholarship have all but ignored
the potential for “global moral norms” to bring about changes in the political conditions for …
the potential for “global moral norms” to bring about changes in the political conditions for …
Waste to energy incineration technology: Recent development under climate change scenarios
MS Khan, I Mubeen, Y Caimeng… - Waste Management …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
With the huge generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), proper management and disposal
of MSW is a worldwide challenge for sustainable development of cities and high quality of …
of MSW is a worldwide challenge for sustainable development of cities and high quality of …
How geographic distance and political ideology interact to influence public perception of unconventional oil/natural gas development
A growing area of research has addressed public perception of unconventional oil and
natural gas development via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). We extend this research by …
natural gas development via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). We extend this research by …
The effect of industry activities on public support for 'fracking'
Research suggests that previous, current, and prospective extractive industry activities
influence perceptions of new development. Studies that have drawn this conclusion …
influence perceptions of new development. Studies that have drawn this conclusion …
Whose backyard and what's at issue? Spatial and ideological dynamics of local opposition to fracking in New York State, 2010 to 2013
FA Dokshin - American Sociological Review, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
What drives local decisions to prohibit industrial land uses? This study examines the
passage of municipal ordinances prohibiting gas development using hydraulic fracturing …
passage of municipal ordinances prohibiting gas development using hydraulic fracturing …
Does the “NIMBY syndrome” undermine public support for nuclear power in Japan?
A key obstacle to nuclear energy as a decarbonization policy is the public perception of risks
of radiation leaks from reactors. In particular, the “not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)" syndrome …
of radiation leaks from reactors. In particular, the “not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)" syndrome …
Please in my backyard: Quiet mobilization in support of fracking in an Appalachian community
Environmental justice and social movements scholarship demonstrates how not-in-my-
backyard activism by more privileged communities leaves the disadvantaged with “locally …
backyard activism by more privileged communities leaves the disadvantaged with “locally …
People and power: Expanding the role and scale of public engagement in energy transitions
JH Armstrong - Energy Research & Social Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Given the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy transitions are among
the most important STS research areas. Evidence increasingly points to social movements …
the most important STS research areas. Evidence increasingly points to social movements …