Survey on blockchain based smart contracts: Applications, opportunities and challenges
Blockchain is one of the disruptive technical innovation in the recent computing paradigm.
Many applications already notoriously hard and complex are fortunate to ameliorate the …
Many applications already notoriously hard and complex are fortunate to ameliorate the …
Differential privacy for industrial internet of things: Opportunities, applications, and challenges
The development of Internet of Things (IoT) brings new changes to various fields.
Particularly, industrial IoT (IIoT) is promoting a new round of industrial revolution. With more …
Particularly, industrial IoT (IIoT) is promoting a new round of industrial revolution. With more …
AI-based modeling and data-driven evaluation for smart manufacturing processes
Smart manufacturing refers to optimization techniques that are implemented in production
operations by utilizing advanced analytics approaches. With the widespread increase in …
operations by utilizing advanced analytics approaches. With the widespread increase in …
Dual-objective mixed integer linear program and memetic algorithm for an industrial group scheduling problem
Z Zhao, S Liu, MC Zhou… - IEEE/CAA Journal of …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Group scheduling problems have attracted much attention owing to their many practical
applications. This work proposes a new bi-objective serial-batch group scheduling problem …
applications. This work proposes a new bi-objective serial-batch group scheduling problem …
Artificial intelligence in industrial design: A semi-automated literature survey
In the era of industry 4.0, artificial intelligence (AI) may potentially be used to provide
reasoning and decision support on engineering and technical challenges. The role of AI in …
reasoning and decision support on engineering and technical challenges. The role of AI in …
How to mitigate DDoS intelligently in SD-IoV: A moving target defense approach
Software defined Internet of Vehicles (SD-IoV) is an emerging paradigm for accomplishing
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Unfortunately, SD-IoV still faces security challenges …
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Unfortunately, SD-IoV still faces security challenges …
Quantum multiagent actor–critic neural networks for Internet-connected multirobot coordination in smart factory management
As one of the latest fields of interest in both academia and industry, quantum computing has
garnered significant attention. Among various topics in quantum computing, variational …
garnered significant attention. Among various topics in quantum computing, variational …
Digital innovation: An essence for Industry 4.0
The goal of this paper is to explain why digital innovation is so important in business
organizations in order to survive in Industry 4.0. The study helps to understand the new era …
organizations in order to survive in Industry 4.0. The study helps to understand the new era …
BlockEdge: Blockchain-edge framework for industrial IoT networks
Industry 4.0 encompasses a promise of a new industrial revolution in terms of providing
secure, intelligent, autonomous and self-adaptive industrial IoT (IIoT) networks. Key …
secure, intelligent, autonomous and self-adaptive industrial IoT (IIoT) networks. Key …
Middleware for the Internet of Things: A survey on requirements, enabling technologies, and solutions
As the core layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), middleware bridges the gap between
applications and devices to resolve many common IoT issues and enhancing application …
applications and devices to resolve many common IoT issues and enhancing application …