Analyzing transportation sustainability in the Canary Islands Archipelago
The scarcity of resources, the limited land, and the overstressing of tourism, as well as the
estrangements of movement, make the insular territories relevant case studies in terms of …
estrangements of movement, make the insular territories relevant case studies in terms of …
Insularity and economies of density: analyzing the efficiency of a logistic network using an econometric simulation-based approach
This paper explores the challenges posed by insularity to economic development and
overall welfare from a novel viewpoint. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we investigated …
overall welfare from a novel viewpoint. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we investigated …
Socijalnogeografska klasifikacija hrvatskoga otočnoga prostora
V Marinković - 2020 -
Predmet istraživanja u radu je socijalnogeografska heterogenost hrvatskog otočnog
prostora, dok je osnovni istraživački cilj klasificirati hrvatske otoke u međusobno homogene …
prostora, dok je osnovni istraživački cilj klasificirati hrvatske otoke u međusobno homogene …
Trade costs, a twofold empirical analysis-The persistent effect of Roman roads on Italian provincial trade costs and the determinants of country trade costs by …
V Licio - 2017 -
Starting from early two thousands, the interest of trade literature on trade costs has grown
exponentially. Theoretical and empirical studies have focused on the importance of trade …
exponentially. Theoretical and empirical studies have focused on the importance of trade …
[PDF][PDF] Do Islands trade more or less? A Meta-Analysis
EM Itumoh - 2020 -
Island literature is quite vast as it extends to topics outside the realms of economic
development or economics in general. For instance, a google search on the subject will …
development or economics in general. For instance, a google search on the subject will …