Contaminant transport through the heterogeneous GCL/SL composite liner: Experimental and analytical studies

Y Shi, H **e, H Ding, L Wang - Journal of Hydrology, 2025‏ - Elsevier
This paper proposes an analytical solution of two-dimensional mobile-immobile model
(MIM) for contaminant transport through a composite liner including a geosynthetic clay liner …

[HTML][HTML] New model of reactive transport in a single-well push–pull test with aquitard effect and wellbore storage

Q Wang, J Wang, H Zhan, W Shi - Hydrology and Earth System …, 2020‏ -
The model of single-well push–pull (SWPP) test has been widely used to investigate
reactive radial dispersion in remediation or parameter estimation of in situ aquifers. Previous …

Non-reactive solute transport modelling with time-dependent dispersion through stratified porous media

A Guleria, D Swami, A Sharma, S Sharma - Sādhanā, 2019‏ - Springer
We present a numerical solution of the mobile–immobile model (MIM) with time-dependent
dispersion coefficient to simulate solute transport through heterogeneous porous media …

Application of temporal moments to interpret solute transport with time-dependent dispersion

A Guleria, D Swami, N Joshi, A Sharma - Sādhanā, 2020‏ - Springer
Temporal moments of solute transport through porous media are calculated to analyze the
time average spatial distribution of solute plume. Simulation of spatially and temporally …

Study of dynamic concentration gradient on mass transfer coefficient: New approach to mobile–immobile modeling

A Sharma, D Swami, N Joshi, S Kartha… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2020‏ -
The theory of mobile–immobile partitioning to capture a medium's heterogeneity for
simulating the interaction of contaminant mass between these two regions is still limited to …

Contaminant Transport modeling for homogeneous and heterogeneous porous systems using MODFLOW models-based scripting python package

A Guleria, S Chakma, VP Singh - Environmental Processes and …, 2023‏ - Springer
Contaminant transport modeling for soil column and heterogenous porous system poses a
challenge when modeling approach involves non-linear and non-equilibrium sorption …

Parameter Estimation for Solute Transport through Coupled Stratified Porous Media Using Time-Dependent Dispersion Coefficient

D Swami, C Thakur, A Guleria… - Advances in Hydrology …, 2022‏ -
This study presents a formulation of parameter estimation technique to estimate solute
transport parameters. Finite-difference numerical model coupled with Levenberg-Marquardt …

Study of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient of nonreactive solute through the rockfill medium

J Chabokpour, O Minaei, R Daneshfaraz - Journal of Hydraulics, 2017‏ -
In many flowthrough patterns from body of rockfill dams or long rock drains with free water
surface, modeling of advection and dispersion of pollutants is one of most important issues …

New Model of Reactive Transport in Single-Well Injection-Withdrawal Test with Aquitard Effect

Q Wang, W Shi, H Zhan - Hydrology and Earth System …, 2020‏ -
The model of single-well injection-withdrawal (SWIW) test has been widely used to
investigate reactive radial dispersion in remediation or parameter estimation of the in situ …

Effects of Soil Type on Contaminant Transport in the Aquifer System: A Numerical Investigation Using 2D Mobile-Immobile Model

A Guleria, S Chakma - F-EIR Conference on Environment Concerns and …, 2021‏ - Springer
A 2-D nonpoint source contaminant transport behaviour in the aquifer system (100× 50 m)
using a mobile-immobile (MIM) model with variable dispersion function for various soil-type …