[PDF][PDF] Peran media sosial dalam upaya promosi kesehatan: Tinjauan literatur
Kebutuhan informasi kesehatan yang akurat dan terkini semakin dibutuhkan seiring
perkembangan teknologi informasi. Media sosial telah menunjukkan perannya dalam upaya …
perkembangan teknologi informasi. Media sosial telah menunjukkan perannya dalam upaya …
Use of social media for sexual health promotion: a sco** review
Background In order to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the World Health
Organization recommends educating people on sexual health. With more than 2 billion …
Organization recommends educating people on sexual health. With more than 2 billion …
[HTML][HTML] Digital health promotion and prevention in settings: sco** review
AL Stark, C Geukes, C Dockweiler - Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2022 - jmir.org
Background Digital technologies are increasingly integrating into people's daily living
environments such as schools, sport clubs, and health care facilities. These settings play a …
environments such as schools, sport clubs, and health care facilities. These settings play a …
[HTML][HTML] Web 2.0 chronic disease self-management for older adults: a systematic review
Background: Participatory Web 2.0 interventions promote collaboration to support chronic
disease self-management. Growth in Web 2.0 interventions has led to the emergence of e …
disease self-management. Growth in Web 2.0 interventions has led to the emergence of e …
[HTML][HTML] The role of social network technologies in online health promotion: a narrative review of theoretical and empirical factors influencing intervention effectiveness
Background Social network technologies have become part of health education and wider
health promotion—either by design or happenstance. Social support, peer pressure, and …
health promotion—either by design or happenstance. Social support, peer pressure, and …
The usage of social networking sites by medical students for educational purposes: a meta-analysis and systematic review
SY Guraya - North American journal of medical sciences, 2016 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: Online social networking sites (SNSs)(eg, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter
and YouTube) have emerged as rapidly growing mechanisms to exchange personal and …
and YouTube) have emerged as rapidly growing mechanisms to exchange personal and …
[PDF][PDF] Social media campaigns that make a difference: what can public health learn from the corporate sector and other social change marketers
B Freeman, S Potente, V Rock, J McIver - Public Health Res Pract, 2015 - phrp.com.au
Aim: A great deal of enthusiasm and interest exists in using social media for public health
communications, but few research studies have examined its success in promoting and …
communications, but few research studies have examined its success in promoting and …
“I enjoy thinking critically, and I'm in control”: Examining the influences of media literacy factors on misperceptions amidst the COVID-19 infodemic
Y Su, DKL Lee, X ** review
J Bailey, S Mann, S Wayal, R Hunter… - Public Health …, 2015 - discovery.ucl.ac.uk
Background: Young people are at risk of poor sexual health and are, therefore, in need of
comprehensive, effective sexual health education. Young people are confident and constant …
comprehensive, effective sexual health education. Young people are confident and constant …
[HTML][HTML] Efficacy and effectiveness of mobile health technologies for facilitating physical activity in adolescents: sco** review
Background: Increasing physical activity (PA) levels in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years is
associated with prevention of unhealthy weight gain and improvement in cardiovascular …
associated with prevention of unhealthy weight gain and improvement in cardiovascular …