Traffic state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey
Traffic state estimation (TSE) refers to the process of the inference of traffic state variables
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially …
(ie, flow, density, speed and other equivalent variables) on road segments using partially …
Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice
We study the problem of unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification (re-ID) which is an
active topic in computer vision but lacks a theoretical foundation. We first extend existing …
active topic in computer vision but lacks a theoretical foundation. We first extend existing …
Estimating travel times and vehicle trajectories on freeways using dual loop detectors
Recent research has investigated various means of measuring link travel times on freeways.
This search has been motivated in part by the fact that travel time is considered to be more …
This search has been motivated in part by the fact that travel time is considered to be more …
Day-to-day travel-time trends and travel-time prediction from loop-detector data
An approach is presented for estimating future travel times on a freeway using flow and
occupancy data from single-loop detectors and historical travel-time information. Linear …
occupancy data from single-loop detectors and historical travel-time information. Linear …
Fjording the stream: An architecture for queries over streaming sensor data
If industry visionaries are correct, our lives will soon be full of sensors, connected together in
loose conglomerations via wireless networks, each monitoring and collecting data about the …
loose conglomerations via wireless networks, each monitoring and collecting data about the …
A dynamic optimization method for adaptive signal control in a connected vehicle environment
In a connected vehicle environment, vehicle location, speed, and other traffic information are
readily available; hence, such environments provide new data sources for traffic signal …
readily available; hence, such environments provide new data sources for traffic signal …
Evaluation of opportunities and challenges of using INRIX data for real-time performance monitoring and historical trend assessment
In recent years there has been a growing desire for the use of probe vehicle technology for
congestion detection and general infrastructure performance assessment. Unlike costly …
congestion detection and general infrastructure performance assessment. Unlike costly …
Vehicle reidentification and travel time measurement on congested freeways
The paper presents an algorithm for matching individual vehicles measured at a freeway
detector with the vehicles' corresponding measurements taken earlier at another detector …
detector with the vehicles' corresponding measurements taken earlier at another detector …
Estimating dynamic roadway travel times using automatic vehicle identification data for low sampling rates
The paper describes a low-pass adaptive filtering algorithm for predicting average roadway
travel times using automatic vehicle identification (AVI) data. The algorithm is unique in three …
travel times using automatic vehicle identification (AVI) data. The algorithm is unique in three …
Unsupervised domain adaptation for person re-identification via individual-preserving and environmental-switching cyclic generation
Unsupervised domain adaptation for person re-identification (Re-ID) suffers severe domain
discrepancies between source and target domains. To reduce the domain shift caused by …
discrepancies between source and target domains. To reduce the domain shift caused by …