Robust markov decision processes: A place where AI and formal methods meet

M Suilen, T Badings, EM Bovy, D Parker… - Principles of Verification …, 2024 - Springer
Markov decision processes (MDPs) are a standard model for sequential decision-making
problems and are widely used across many scientific areas, including formal methods and …

Engineering AI systems and AI for engineering: compositionality and physics in learning

C Neary - 2024 -
How can we transform artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities into engineering systems? That
is, how can we engineer AI systems within budget constraints, certify them with respect to …

Riding the Storm in a Probabilistic Model Checking Landscape

C Hensel, S Junges, T Quatmann, M Volk - … to Joost-Pieter Katoen on the …, 2024 - Springer
Probabilistic model checking is a formal verification technique to check whether stochastic
models satisfy properties of interest. Along with a rich theory, the community has developed …

Feature-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Robotic System

J Päßler, MH ter Beek, F Damiani, C Dubslaff… - Formal Aspects of …, 2024 -
Improved autonomy in robotic systems is needed for innovation in, eg, the marine sector.
Autonomous robots that are let loose in hazardous environments, such as underwater, need …

(de-) Composed And More: Eager and Lazy Specifications (CAMELS) for Stochastic Hybrid Systems

L Willemsen, A Remke, E Ábrahám - … Dedicated to Joost-Pieter Katoen on …, 2024 - Springer
Different stochastic extensions of hybrid automata have been proposed in the past, with
unclear expressivity relations between them. In previous work, we related these modelling …

Clock-Dependent Probabilistic Timed Automata with One Clock and No Memory

J Sproston - International Conference on Formal Engineering …, 2024 - Springer
Clock-dependent probabilistic timed automata extend probabilistic timed automata by letting
the probabilities of discrete transitions depend on the exact values of clock variables. The …

Towards a Proof System for Probabilistic Dynamic Logic

EB Johnsen, E Kamburjan, R Pardo, E Voogd… - Principles of Verification …, 2024 - Springer
Whereas the semantics of probabilistic languages has been extensively studied,
specification languages for their properties have received less attention—with the notable …

On Kleisli liftings and decorated trace semantics

D Luckhardt, H Beohar… - Electronic Notes in …, 2024 -
It is well known that Kleisli categories provide a natural language to model side effects. For
instance, in the theory of coalgebras, behavioural equivalence coincides with language …

Robustness Analysis of Probabilistic Models with Adversaries or Strategic Entities

S Gyftopoulos, S Basagiannis, P Katsaros - … to Joost-Pieter Katoen on the …, 2024 - Springer
The robustness analysis of probabilistic models has been recently the research focus
towards verifying the extent to which a system is robust against adversaries, as well as for …

[PDF][PDF] Comparing dtsdPBC with other stochastic process algebras

IV Tarasyuk -
Petri box calculus (PBC) is a well-known algebra of parallel processes with a Petri net
semantics. Discrete time stochastic and deterministic PBC (dtsdPBC) extends PBC with …