Robust markov decision processes: A place where AI and formal methods meet
Markov decision processes (MDPs) are a standard model for sequential decision-making
problems and are widely used across many scientific areas, including formal methods and …
problems and are widely used across many scientific areas, including formal methods and …
Engineering AI systems and AI for engineering: compositionality and physics in learning
C Neary - 2024 -
How can we transform artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities into engineering systems? That
is, how can we engineer AI systems within budget constraints, certify them with respect to …
is, how can we engineer AI systems within budget constraints, certify them with respect to …
Riding the Storm in a Probabilistic Model Checking Landscape
Probabilistic model checking is a formal verification technique to check whether stochastic
models satisfy properties of interest. Along with a rich theory, the community has developed …
models satisfy properties of interest. Along with a rich theory, the community has developed …
Feature-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Robotic System
Improved autonomy in robotic systems is needed for innovation in, eg, the marine sector.
Autonomous robots that are let loose in hazardous environments, such as underwater, need …
Autonomous robots that are let loose in hazardous environments, such as underwater, need …
(de-) Composed And More: Eager and Lazy Specifications (CAMELS) for Stochastic Hybrid Systems
Different stochastic extensions of hybrid automata have been proposed in the past, with
unclear expressivity relations between them. In previous work, we related these modelling …
unclear expressivity relations between them. In previous work, we related these modelling …
Clock-Dependent Probabilistic Timed Automata with One Clock and No Memory
J Sproston - International Conference on Formal Engineering …, 2024 - Springer
Clock-dependent probabilistic timed automata extend probabilistic timed automata by letting
the probabilities of discrete transitions depend on the exact values of clock variables. The …
the probabilities of discrete transitions depend on the exact values of clock variables. The …
Towards a Proof System for Probabilistic Dynamic Logic
Whereas the semantics of probabilistic languages has been extensively studied,
specification languages for their properties have received less attention—with the notable …
specification languages for their properties have received less attention—with the notable …
On Kleisli liftings and decorated trace semantics
It is well known that Kleisli categories provide a natural language to model side effects. For
instance, in the theory of coalgebras, behavioural equivalence coincides with language …
instance, in the theory of coalgebras, behavioural equivalence coincides with language …
Robustness Analysis of Probabilistic Models with Adversaries or Strategic Entities
The robustness analysis of probabilistic models has been recently the research focus
towards verifying the extent to which a system is robust against adversaries, as well as for …
towards verifying the extent to which a system is robust against adversaries, as well as for …
[PDF][PDF] Comparing dtsdPBC with other stochastic process algebras
IV Tarasyuk -
Petri box calculus (PBC) is a well-known algebra of parallel processes with a Petri net
semantics. Discrete time stochastic and deterministic PBC (dtsdPBC) extends PBC with …
semantics. Discrete time stochastic and deterministic PBC (dtsdPBC) extends PBC with …