Service-leadership competencies for hospitality and tourism management

MR Testa, L Sipe - International journal of hospitality management, 2012 - Elsevier
Competency models have become useful tools for management development in hospitality
and tourism organizations. At the same time, these models provide limited focus on …

Comparing students' and managers' perceptions of essential entry-level management competencies in the hospitality industry: An empirical study

L Jiang, G Alexakis - Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism …, 2017 - Elsevier
The age-old higher education concern of graduates' industry relevancy coupled with the
mounting program outcomes emphases of business schools led us to research program exit …

Hotel management curriculum reform based on required competencies of hotel employees and career success in the hotel industry

KY Chung - Tourism management, 2000 - Elsevier
This study was conducted to layout an effective plan for reforming the hotel management
curriculum of Korean universities. On the basis of the purpose of the study and review of the …

Hospitality & tourism educators vs. the industry: A competency assessment

M Millar, Z Mao, P Moreo - Journal of Hospitality & Tourism …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study is to determine the discrepancies, if any, in the competencies
being taught in the classroom for hospitality tourism students versus what lodging and food …

Industry's expectations from hospitality schools: What has changed?

D Gursoy, I Rahman, N Swanger - Journal of Hospitality & Tourism …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study was to measure the perceptions of industry professionals
regarding the importance of course subject areas in hospitality management curriculum for a …

Future of hotel education: Required skills and knowledge for graduates of US hospitality programs beyond the year 2000-part one

AA Nelson, L Dopson - Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Hospitality education itself was born out of a need to supply the hospitality industry with
competent managers and is, therefore, often driven by industry standards. The main …

Perceptual differences in core competencies between tourism industry practitioners and students using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

N Kim, J Park, JJ Choi - Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism …, 2017 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate the perceptual differences in core competencies of tourism
graduates between the main stakeholders in higher education; namely, industry …

Hospitality management curricula for the 21st century

D Breiter, CJ Dements - Hospitality & Tourism Educator, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
The Sample The researchers employed amulti-stage stratified random sampling process. To
assure representation of hotels and restaurants across the United States, one state from …

Examining the core competencies for success in the hotel industry: The case of Cyprus

S Marneros, G Papageorgiou, A Efstathiades - Journal of Hospitality …, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the necessary core competencies for a successful career in the hotel
industry. For this purpose, two survey questionnaire instruments were administered to collect …

Competitive approaches to tourism and hospitality curriculum design

G Smith, C Cooper - Journal of Travel Research, 2000 -
Globalization is having a major impact on the tourism sector but has not yet affected the
design of tourism and hospitality curricula. This research note takes the issue of …