[PDF][PDF] Do protection orders protect?
CT Benitez, DE McNiel, RL Binder - … of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 2010 - academia.edu
Protection orders are widely used legal interventions intended to reduce the risk of future
harm by one person considered to be a threat to another. However, there has been …
harm by one person considered to be a threat to another. However, there has been …
When ending the relationship does not end the violence: Women's experiences of violence by former partners
Much of the existing research on intimate male violence against women has focused on the
prevalence of and response to abuse that occurs within an ongoing intimate relationship …
prevalence of and response to abuse that occurs within an ongoing intimate relationship …
Judges in Lawyerless Courts
Judges in Lawyerless Courts Page 1 Judges in Lawyerless Courts ANNA E. CARPENTER,
Retraumatized in court
N Katirai - Ariz. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Joan is petite and soft-spoken, with large brown eyes and a sweet demeanor. She met
Anthony when she was about to turn 19 years old at a party she went to with some friends …
Anthony when she was about to turn 19 years old at a party she went to with some friends …
When is a battered woman not a battered woman-when she fights back
L Goodmark - Yale JL & Feminism, 2008 - HeinOnline
" I will not allow him to beat on me," the woman stated.'The judge hearing her petition for a
temporary protective order seemed skeptical of her explanation: After her partner assaulted …
temporary protective order seemed skeptical of her explanation: After her partner assaulted …
The feminist war on crime
A Gruber - Iowa L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
In the past several years, domestic violence reforms, which include swee** protection
orders,"'advocates, 17 specialized courts,"'special evidentiary rules,'9 mandatory arrests …
orders,"'advocates, 17 specialized courts,"'special evidentiary rules,'9 mandatory arrests …
Battered women and the state: The struggle for the future of domestic violence policy
EJ Sack - Wis. L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
In an episode of her television show that focused on domestic violence, Oprah Winfrey
started off an interview of women in a battered women's shelter by commenting," We've only …
started off an interview of women in a battered women's shelter by commenting," We've only …
Reconceiving civil protection orders for domestic violence: Can law help end the abuse without ending the relationship
SF Goldfarb - Cardozo L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
Sylvia did not see Michael [her abusive partner] as a monster. She saw him as the product of
a lousy childhood. She also saw him as a good provider and.., as the father of their two …
a lousy childhood. She also saw him as a good provider and.., as the father of their two …
Autonomy feminism: An anti-essentialist critique of mandatory interventions in domestic violence cases
L Goodmark - Fla. St. UL Rev., 2009 - HeinOnline
In the 1970s and 80s, feminists led the way in crafting and advocating for laws and policies
to address domestic violence in the United States-and those feminists got it wrong …
to address domestic violence in the United States-and those feminists got it wrong …
Redefining harm, reimagining remedies, and reclaiming domestic violence law
ME Johnson - UC Davis L. Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
University of California, Davis ass heifer." He directs his son," Zoom in on that heifer. Zoom
in. Do you see a tear?" Ulner then yells at Susan," You don't know what to do. Look at your …
in. Do you see a tear?" Ulner then yells at Susan," You don't know what to do. Look at your …