[PDF][PDF] Do protection orders protect?

CT Benitez, DE McNiel, RL Binder - … of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 2010 - academia.edu
Protection orders are widely used legal interventions intended to reduce the risk of future
harm by one person considered to be a threat to another. However, there has been …

When ending the relationship does not end the violence: Women's experiences of violence by former partners

RE Fleury, CM Sullivan, DI Bybee - Violence against women, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
Much of the existing research on intimate male violence against women has focused on the
prevalence of and response to abuse that occurs within an ongoing intimate relationship …

Judges in Lawyerless Courts

AE Carpenter, CF Shanahan, JK Steinberg, A Mark - Geo. LJ, 2021 - HeinOnline
Judges in Lawyerless Courts Page 1 Judges in Lawyerless Courts ANNA E. CARPENTER,

Retraumatized in court

N Katirai - Ariz. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Joan is petite and soft-spoken, with large brown eyes and a sweet demeanor. She met
Anthony when she was about to turn 19 years old at a party she went to with some friends …

When is a battered woman not a battered woman-when she fights back

L Goodmark - Yale JL & Feminism, 2008 - HeinOnline
" I will not allow him to beat on me," the woman stated.'The judge hearing her petition for a
temporary protective order seemed skeptical of her explanation: After her partner assaulted …

The feminist war on crime

A Gruber - Iowa L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
In the past several years, domestic violence reforms, which include swee** protection
orders,"'advocates, 17 specialized courts,"'special evidentiary rules,'9 mandatory arrests …

Battered women and the state: The struggle for the future of domestic violence policy

EJ Sack - Wis. L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
In an episode of her television show that focused on domestic violence, Oprah Winfrey
started off an interview of women in a battered women's shelter by commenting," We've only …

Reconceiving civil protection orders for domestic violence: Can law help end the abuse without ending the relationship

SF Goldfarb - Cardozo L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
Sylvia did not see Michael [her abusive partner] as a monster. She saw him as the product of
a lousy childhood. She also saw him as a good provider and.., as the father of their two …

Autonomy feminism: An anti-essentialist critique of mandatory interventions in domestic violence cases

L Goodmark - Fla. St. UL Rev., 2009 - HeinOnline
In the 1970s and 80s, feminists led the way in crafting and advocating for laws and policies
to address domestic violence in the United States-and those feminists got it wrong …

Redefining harm, reimagining remedies, and reclaiming domestic violence law

ME Johnson - UC Davis L. Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
University of California, Davis ass heifer." He directs his son," Zoom in on that heifer. Zoom
in. Do you see a tear?" Ulner then yells at Susan," You don't know what to do. Look at your …