Psychopathy: Current knowledge and future directions
CJ Patrick - Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2022 -
Research on psychopathy has progressed considerably in recent years against the
backdrop of important advances in the broader field of clinical psychological science. My …
backdrop of important advances in the broader field of clinical psychological science. My …
Triarchic model of psychopathy: Origins, operationalizations, and observed linkages with personality and general psychopathology
The triarchic model (P atrick, F owles, & K rueger, 2009) was formulated to reconcile
contrasting conceptions of psychopathy reflected in historic writings and contemporary …
contrasting conceptions of psychopathy reflected in historic writings and contemporary …
[KNJIGA][B] Mentalizing in clinical practice
JG Allen, P Fonagy, AW Bateman - 2008 -
Mentalizing, the fundamental human capacity to understand behavior in relation to mental
states such as thoughts and feelings, is the basis of healthy relationships and self …
states such as thoughts and feelings, is the basis of healthy relationships and self …
Is criminal behavior a central component of psychopathy? Conceptual directions for resolving the debate.
The development of the Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL–R; RD Hare, 2003) has
fueled intense clinical interest in the construct of psychopathy. Unfortunately, a side effect of …
fueled intense clinical interest in the construct of psychopathy. Unfortunately, a side effect of …
The PCL‐R assessment of psychopathy
RD Hare - The Wiley international handbook on psychopathic …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter focuses on the most widely accepted clinical/forensic measure of psychopathy,
the Psychopathy Checklist‐Revised (PCL‐R). Although traditionally considered to be a …
the Psychopathy Checklist‐Revised (PCL‐R). Although traditionally considered to be a …
Corporate psychopaths, conflict, employee affective well-being and counterproductive work behaviour
CR Boddy - Journal of business ethics, 2014 - Springer
This article explains who Corporate Psychopaths are, and some of the processes by which
they stimulate counterproductive work behaviour among employees. The article …
they stimulate counterproductive work behaviour among employees. The article …
Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO
CR Boddy - Journal of Business Ethics, 2017 - Springer
This longitudinal case study reports on a charity in the UK which gained a new CEO who
was reported by two middle managers who worked in the charity, to embody (respectively) …
was reported by two middle managers who worked in the charity, to embody (respectively) …
Prevalence and correlates of psychopathic traits in the household population of Great Britain
There are no previous surveys of psychopathy and psychopathic traits in representative
general population samples using standardized instruments. This study aimed to measure …
general population samples using standardized instruments. This study aimed to measure …
Two subtypes of psychopathic violent offenders that parallel primary and secondary variants.
Although psychopathy usually is treated as a unitary construct, a seminal theory posits that
there are 2 variants: Primary psychopathy is underpinned by an inherited affective deficit …
there are 2 variants: Primary psychopathy is underpinned by an inherited affective deficit …
Dark Triad personality traits and adolescent cyber-aggression
The current study empirically investigates the relationships between the Dark Triad
personality traits and cyber-aggression among adolescents (14–18 year old). The sample …
personality traits and cyber-aggression among adolescents (14–18 year old). The sample …