Larval dispersal and marine population connectivity

RK Cowen, S Sponaugle - Annual review of marine science, 2009 -
Connectivity, or the exchange of individuals among marine populations, is a central topic in
marine ecology. For most benthic marine species with complex life cycles, this exchange …

Recent progress in understanding larval dispersal: new directions and digressions

LA Levin - Integrative and comparative biology, 2006 -
Larvae have been difficult to study because their small size limits our ability to understand
their behavior and the conditions they experience. Questions about larval transport focus …

Temperature control of larval dispersal and the implications for marine ecology, evolution, and conservation

MI O'Connor, JF Bruno, SD Gaines, BS Halpern… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 -
Temperature controls the rate of fundamental biochemical processes and thereby regulates
organismal attributes including development rate and survival. The increase in metabolic …

Larval transport and dispersal in the coastal ocean and consequences for population connectivity

J Pineda, JA Hare, SU Sponaugle - Oceanography, 2007 - JSTOR
Larval transport is defined as the horizontal translocation of a larva between points x1, y1
and x2, y2, where x and y are horizontal axes, say, perpendicular and parallel to the …

Population genetics, larval dispersal, and connectivity in marine systems

K Weersing, RJ Toonen - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2009 -
Population connectivity plays significant roles on both evolutionary and ecological time-
scales; however, quantifying the magnitude and pattern of exchange between populations of …

Larval retention and connectivity among populations of corals and reef fishes: history, advances and challenges

GP Jones, GR Almany, GR Russ, PF Sale, RS Steneck… - Coral reefs, 2009 - Springer
The extent of larval dispersal on coral reefs has important implications for the persistence of
coral reef metapopulations, their resilience and recovery from an increasing array of threats …

Population connectivity in marine systems an overview

RK Cowen, G Gawarkiewicz, J Pineda, SR Thorrold… - Oceanography, 2007 - JSTOR
THERE IS GROWING consensus that life within the world's ocean is under considerable and
increasing stress from human activities (Hutchings, 2000; Jackson et al., 2001). This …

Modeling population connectivity by ocean currents, a graph-theoretic approach for marine conservation

EA Treml, PN Halpin, DL Urban, LF Pratson - Landscape Ecology, 2008 - Springer
The dispersal of individuals among marine populations is of great importance to
metapopulation dynamics, population persistence, and species expansion. Understanding …

Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment

MJ Kingsford, JM Leis, A Shanks… - Bulletin of Marine …, 2002 -
Models of larval dispersal rarely incorporate the behavior of larvae, yet many potential
settlers of marine invertebrates and fishes may navigate toward suitable settlement sites by …

Are larvae of demersal fishes plankton or nekton?

JM Leis - Advances in marine biology, 2006 - Elsevier
A pelagic larval stage is found in nearly all demersal marine teleost fishes, and it is during
this pelagic stage that the geographic scale of dispersal is determined. Marine biologists …