TRUE: Re-evaluating factual consistency evaluation
Grounded text generation systems often generate text that contains factual inconsistencies,
hindering their real-world applicability. Automatic factual consistency evaluation may help …
hindering their real-world applicability. Automatic factual consistency evaluation may help …
Faithfulness in natural language generation: A systematic survey of analysis, evaluation and optimization methods
Natural Language Generation (NLG) has made great progress in recent years due to the
development of deep learning techniques such as pre-trained language models. This …
development of deep learning techniques such as pre-trained language models. This …
DialFact: A benchmark for fact-checking in dialogue
Fact-checking is an essential tool to mitigate the spread of misinformation and
disinformation. We introduce the task of fact-checking in dialogue, which is a relatively …
disinformation. We introduce the task of fact-checking in dialogue, which is a relatively …
Autoregressive entity generation for end-to-end task-oriented dialog
Task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems often require interaction with an external knowledge
base to retrieve necessary entity (eg, restaurant) information to support the response …
base to retrieve necessary entity (eg, restaurant) information to support the response …
CDConv: A benchmark for contradiction detection in Chinese conversations
Dialogue contradiction is a critical issue in open-domain dialogue systems. The
contextualization nature of conversations makes dialogue contradiction detection rather …
contextualization nature of conversations makes dialogue contradiction detection rather …
A plug-and-play adapter for consistency identification in task-oriented dialogue systems
Abstract Task-oriented Dialogue system (ToD) has gained significant attention due to its aim
to assist users in accomplishing various tasks. However, the neural network-based dialogue …
to assist users in accomplishing various tasks. However, the neural network-based dialogue …
Instruct once, chat consistently in multiple rounds: An efficient tuning framework for dialogue
Tuning language models for dialogue generation has been a prevalent paradigm for
building capable dialogue agents. Yet, traditional tuning narrowly views dialogue generation …
building capable dialogue agents. Yet, traditional tuning narrowly views dialogue generation …
Can We Catch the Elephant? A Survey of the Evolvement of Hallucination Evaluation on Natural Language Generation
Hallucination in Natural Language Generation (NLG) is like the elephant in the room,
obvious but often overlooked until recent achievements significantly improved the fluency …
obvious but often overlooked until recent achievements significantly improved the fluency …
MPFToD: a modularized pre-training framework for consistency identification in task-oriented dialogue
Consistency identification in task-oriented dialogue (CI-ToD) can prevent inconsistent
dialogue response generation, which has recently emerged as an important and growing …
dialogue response generation, which has recently emerged as an important and growing …
Revealing user familiarity bias in task-oriented dialogue via interactive evaluation
Most task-oriented dialogue (TOD) benchmarks assume users that know exactly how to use
the system by constraining the user behaviors within the system's capabilities via strict user …
the system by constraining the user behaviors within the system's capabilities via strict user …