[CARTE][B] Structural geology
H Fossen - 2016 - books.google.com
This market-leading textbook has been fully updated in response to extensive user
feedback. It includes a new chapter on joints and veins, additional examples from around …
feedback. It includes a new chapter on joints and veins, additional examples from around …
High-temperature overprint in (U) HPM rocks exhumed from subduction zones; A product of isothermal decompression or a consequence of slab break-off (slab …
SW Faryad, SJ Cuthbert - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper presents and discusses petrological observations from high-to ultrahigh-pressure
(U) HP metamorphic terrains in relation to existing geophysical and numerical models for …
(U) HP metamorphic terrains in relation to existing geophysical and numerical models for …
Campaign-style titanite U–Pb dating by laser-ablation ICP: Implications for crustal flow, phase transformations and titanite closure
U–Pb dates of titanite from> 150 samples of chiefly quartzofeldspathic gneiss and
leucosomes were measured across the Western Gneiss Region of Norway to understand …
leucosomes were measured across the Western Gneiss Region of Norway to understand …
High-temperature deformation during continental-margin subduction & exhumation: The ultrahigh-pressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway
A new dataset for the high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure Western Gneiss Region allows the
definition of distinct structural and petrological domains. Much of the study area is an E …
definition of distinct structural and petrological domains. Much of the study area is an E …
Extensional tectonics in the North Atlantic Caledonides: a regional view
H Fossen - 2010 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Extensional structures characterize significant parts of the North Atlantic Caledonides.
Silurian extensional deformation took place, particularly in the heated crust in the southern …
Silurian extensional deformation took place, particularly in the heated crust in the southern …
Continental exhumation triggered by partial melting at ultrahigh pressure
Partial melting textures, observed in most continental crust buried in ultrahigh-pressure
(UHP) conditions, have mostly been related to their retrograde evolution during exhumation …
(UHP) conditions, have mostly been related to their retrograde evolution during exhumation …
Generation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by self-localizing thermal runaway
Abstract Intermediate-depth (50–300 km) earthquakes commonly occur along convergent
plate margins but their causes remain unclear. In the absence of pore-fluid pressures that …
plate margins but their causes remain unclear. In the absence of pore-fluid pressures that …
Adakitic (tonalitic-trondhjemitic) magmas resulting from eclogite decompression and dehydration melting during exhumation in response to continental collision
Modern adakite or adakitic rocks are thought to result from partial melting of younger and
thus warmer subducting ocean crust in subduction zones, with the melt interacting with or …
thus warmer subducting ocean crust in subduction zones, with the melt interacting with or …
Controls on trace element uptake in metamorphic titanite: Implications for petrochronology
Petrochronology—the interpretation of isotopic dates with complementary elemental data—
requires understanding the relationship between trace elements in chronometers and the …
requires understanding the relationship between trace elements in chronometers and the …
Transient, synobduction exhumation of Zagros blueschists inferred from P‐T, deformation, time, and kinematic constraints: Implications for Neotethyan wedge …
We present the first P‐T, deformation time, and kinematic constraints on the only known
blueschist facies rocks (BS) present in the Zagros (Hajiabad area). The BS were …
blueschist facies rocks (BS) present in the Zagros (Hajiabad area). The BS were …